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Celtic Cross
by on March 6, 2018
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today, I learned that Mademoiselle Amore does not like cheese and wine shots. This is greatly disturbing to me, and I believe that she should be under investigation for subversive behaviour.
Your loyal servant,
2 people like this.
Basalt Alltrades
A shot through the heart of frenchmen everywhere. A moment of silence for those dearly departed...
Like March 7, 2018
Daddy Cambia
Those wine-snobbing, mould-devouring surrender monkeys can come crawling to me when they have a cognac that doesnt ultimately taste like the 100 other cognacs that, that acidic grape producing region farts out. Wine is a drink for people who dont want to realise they're getting drunk because they do... View More
Like March 7, 2018 Edited
Basalt Alltrades
But Apricot Brandy?
Like March 7, 2018
Celtic Cross
Don’t be disrespectin mah Henny, foo!
Like March 7, 2018
Daddy Cambia
Just because the nazis invented modern rocketry doesnt make them any less terrible.
Like March 7, 2018
can I have a wine cooler?
Like March 7, 2018
Celtic Cross
Yes, but don’t let know because she will judge you for it. And possibly try to conquer you. <3
Like March 7, 2018
owo *drinks the wine cooler*
Like March 7, 2018
what about cheese shots
Like July 21, 2018
Daddy Cambia
I'll shoot you
Like July 21, 2018
Like July 21, 2018