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Lord Somber
by on March 14, 2019
So just a fair warning. This might be a long read. I'm unsure at the moment since this is the first thing I'm typing out. I'm not sure how long this will be, but I guess we'll see. Sooo...this is actually something I've been interested in doing. I wanted to maybe write out a cool little thing on my experience with Rping as A genderbend, or more importantly Prince Artemis. It's kinda like a behind the scenes look of how I kinda go about stuff, or maybe just gives one an idea of how my brain works in approaching things. I figured it'd be cool to give a peek of what goes on in the head of a different Admin. So why not write something on it. If I feel like I got more things I want to talk about, then I might make a part two. Depends. Please feel free to tell me your thoughts on Arty or well give some advice on what you think he should be doing. By the way, this is in no way a guide to Rping a Genderbend. This is just kinda a look at how I did things. If you are going to Rp an Genderbend, be creative in your own way. <3 With that being said, let's start this out.
Let's start with the big question. Why did I decided to Rp as a genderbend. Genderbends are kinda known to be cringey, poorly played, overused, ect, ect. All these things should give a red flag as to not attempt Rping a Genderbend. Why did I decide this? Well it's more of a creative issue I have. See I kinda dropped the show after I believe season 4. Honestly haven't watched a single episode since, however the fandom side seemed to always stick with me. And the thought of Roleplay was always something I enjoyed doing. I had roleplayed for awhile, with an actual oc. But sadly, I just wasn't good at making ideas for my character. I just...couldn't. Something in my function was preventing me from coming up with personality or motive or even a goal for basic story. Because of this, my oc suffered from a rather boring appearance. After dropping the show, I kinda floated away from the Rp scene. It wasn't until I heard about this place that I wanted a resurges. A new start. A new experience. And I wanted a challenge. And what better challenge then a genderbend? The challenge is very clear to most. How do you take a character that has story and background set for it, but it's just a different gender, and make it something new? Was I thinking way to over my head? At the time yes, but I thought to myself if I can have a character that has background and motive set, then I can attempt to add my own flavor to it. Turned out working better then imagined.
Now something I never really touched on is why Prince Artemis? Why him? Well this is something that I can also explain. I adore Princess Luna. I find her character to be a rather interesting produced work. A Princess turned Tyrant, forced to be in exile for a thousand years, only to return and be forgiven. Then after all of that, return back to her life as Princess? That's kinda badass if you ask me. It's like a plot for a movie in some motions if you switch some things around. So it was a no brainer that if I'm going to go through with a Genderbend, it'd have to be Prince Artemis.
Now the way I go about writing or Rping Prince Arty is kinda weird. Even though I chose him because I love Luna, I don't really Rp him as a Luna. To me a genderbend shouldn't be a direct copy. It's a different pony, different emotions, different body. All this stuff. Prince Artemis is very different from Luna in my opinion. He's kinda devious, but kind hearted. Childish, but wise. He's exactly what I figure a young Prince should act. I don't see him as a mature, all knowing Prince. No. I see him as a young Prince that's enjoying life, day by day. He's foolish and lovable. He doesn't take things serious when they should be. I think that helps him relate more to his subjects. It's more fun to play a Prince that is young and carefree, instead of one that is Mature and Serious.
Something I do take very much caution in is OP behavior. Yes, Artemis is an Alicorn Prince. He can raise the moon with his magic, he most likely is very skilled, all powerful in magics to be the most believable powered character. But really? What's the fun in that? He's not gonna be fun being a Mary Sue. If you love being a Mary sue, then that's fine. You do you, and you enjoy it! Have fun! But me, I don't think it's fun. That's why Arty doesn't seem to act all powerful. I don't make him powerful. Sometimes it seems that he doesn't act Alicorn like he should. But, I just have no interest in making him super powerful.
Now I'll tell about one last thing since I've now decided that I don't want to draw this out too much. I want Prince Artemis to feel welcoming. As a Prince, he should give off a friendly vibe. He shouldn't be some Prince that only talk with certain individuals. No. I think he should be a Prince that is opening to anyone. It's good to have a Prince that can relate to his subjects and maybe his subjects relate to him. And in doing that, he becomes reliable. A pony to depends on, because that's what a Prince should be in my eyes.
I hope this was somewhat interesting. Just a small peek into how I have gone about things. I might do a second, if this seems interesting to you. Please feel free to share your thoughts if you want. Maybe tell me your thoughts on Arty or on how you go about your Oc. I'd love to here. Also don't be afraid to drop by and pay your Prince a visit. I may not be on the Rp scene at the moment, but I love interactions. <3
8 people like this.
Queen Lesa
Of course since I have known you from PS I remember how you roleplayed as Dusk Shine~ that takes me back a few years. xD I was very sad to see you go, and then the site got shut down. But now we are here~ I remember when I had a couple of Canon characters. They certainly were hard to play as, but i... View More
Like March 14, 2019
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Queen Lesa
x3 Overdoes it you say? That can't be right. xD Lesa always turns on her charm when he starts to flirt with her. Does that work?~
Like March 14, 2019
Lord Somber
It does work on Arty, yes. xD
Like March 14, 2019
Queen Lesa
:3 x3
Like March 14, 2019
Adrian Coalhopper
Why dream at all when you can get a true, deep sleep with Real Sleep™ *Hopper hands Artemis a vhs tape*
Like March 14, 2019
Cherry Bomb
This.....kinda blew my mind to be really changed my view of characters in rp. Man arty you really put some thought into this. I loved reading this please do a second when you can
Like March 17, 2019
Finally got to reading this as I've been back. I really appreciate that you avoid 'op' things and that you make your character welcoming. ^w^ I've been kinda wanting to make a canon character as well, I just don't know who X3
Like March 17, 2019 Edited