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Ambient Waves
by on March 19, 2019
Hello, I'm posting this as why I would be leaving the site in about 5 days just finishing debating it at the moment with myself or just no longer supporting the site or both. So let's go over a few reasons shall we?
1.The Community on the Site.
This is the main reason on why I'm leaving or considering/ect the site. I sometimes feel hated on the site and others do. There's nothing like spending 20 mins or 30 on a wall RP and getting likes but no reply or such yet other people's do.
This just make one feel horrible and think 'is my post bad?' or 'does no one like me?' or more. This is my and some biggest thing ever and after 4 wallposts spending! 15-20 mind thinking and planning them ect and get zero fucking response. Really no one going to attempt at all but people are gonna reply to others and just like my wall rp post,really fuck you.
It feels that everyone has a small friend circle here and no one wants todo anything outside of it or very rarely, or if one friend hates another those fucking 15 others there friends with will also ignore you so to all of you who do that "FUCK YOU, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART."
I also see the number decrease day by day every now and then on the site getting smaller and smaller cause of the community, literally at this point I think there's only like 9 people ever using the site cause that's all I ever fucking see now days. I swear all the new OC's that join are just the same people who use the site that donate.
Oh that's my only one, the community on this site. This is my opinion on the site state and how I see it at the moment of cause I will update this maybe over time.
If I do leave the site, pleasure forgetting all of ya!
7 people like this.
Lord Somber
From what I can gather reading all of this, and please excuse my ignorance, it really does seem to be a double edged sword. If one goes out of their way to make a long well detailed thought out post, it might come off as too complicated or too much to handle for some, and therefore gets ignored. If ... View More
Like March 21, 2019
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Lord Somber
I didn't mean to make you feel worse or it seem like it'd make you feel worse. It was more so just an opinion of observation from me. Now I don't wanna make this about me, so all I'll say is it's been a rough three months for me with unfamiliar territory that I have already explained, and don't wann... View More
Like March 21, 2019
Ambient Waves
I am not blaming you at all I do know that you had problems from time to time irl, I'm just using it as a example when it comes like that. You didn't make me feel worse, cause this I describe is how I felt for months or more on this site. People joined remained consistent maybe ever 2-3 wall post th... View More
Like March 21, 2019 Edited
Lord Somber
Understood. Well sadly, I don't got input on anymore of this. I really wish I did, to help you out more. However, all I can do now is tell you that I'll be here to support you on however you decide to go. (If reasonable of course lol). Seriously though, love ya <3
Like March 21, 2019
Fuck, I have no circle of friends here and nobody cares what I have to post (except you Ambie <3). Even as staff, I'm beginning to feel completely isolated from everything and everyone. Sometimes I feel like my time as lead developer is coming to an end because I just can't connect well with the com... View More
Like March 21, 2019 Edited
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Ambient Waves
What ya talking about comp you're loves by all :D
Like March 21, 2019
Sure I'm loved by all for doing stuff but I have no circle.
Like March 21, 2019
Crystal Summer
to be honest, besides the changes i need to make to my characters to get them back as they should be, i am somewhat afraid to RP on public wall posts or...rlly almost in total...ppl tend to give negative feedback easily without really thinking on the persons feeling, whether it is grammar or the cha... View More
Like March 21, 2019
Ambient Waves
Not all are like that, for me I see everyone more so with respect and am always happy to just RP with what one is given most of the time. I don't like to judge people cause I know I started out in there position not knowing how to RP keeping them short and simple. A lot of people forget where they c... View More
Like March 21, 2019
Wow, I just got on the site. And this the first post I see. And this is allowed? I thought that excessive swearing and insulting is forbidden. Am I wrong? Why this post is still up?
Like March 21, 2019
Ambient Waves
The real question here is more so, why are people still replying to this ;w; my alert box can't handle this much abuse x_x
Like March 21, 2019
Aurora Borealis
In my opinion this isn’t excessive swearing for the topic at hand. I ask you to go through the other comments and you will see clearly how much of an issue this is.
Like March 21, 2019
Cally Ber
>calling this post excessive swearing Leave your morals at the door, bud
Like March 21, 2019