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Nar Yakushi
by on May 28, 2019
//You may want to grab some snacks and a drink. This is a long read. Links to music added for ambiance.
The camp around Nar was small, and very much makeshift. Tents made of any material that could be placed over two sticks, and fires burning old newspapers, as well as boxes, and small pieces of wood. This was home for the 6 creatures who were there at the time. Each of them had tried to make their way through the Highway, but had turned back. They had nowhere else to go, and simply formed their own small community one highway over. Nar had talked with the creatures living in this camp just a few minutes ago. He knew what awaited him once he passed through the next subspace door. He had made up his mind. No matter what happened, he wasn't going to turn back. He'd come too far to let all his effort go to waste. He was going to get through this, and make it to the other side. Just before leaving Nar is approached by a frail, old pegasus who places a wing on top of his back. She lowers her head and closes her eyes as she says a prayer. Afterwards, Nar approaches the blue door and opens it. He steps through the threshold, and finds himself in another subspace highway.
This highway is unlike any other subspace highway he's been through before. It reminds him of no man's land. Destroyed trees, muddy ground, and creatures (very much alive) scattered about, all seemingly unable, or unwilling to move. A voice catches Nar's attention and he turns his head to see an older gryphon sitting inside a tent. "This is your last chance to turn back. Once you cross the threshold it will all start." Nar responded with a nod, and turned to face forwards. He steeled his nerves, and began to walk forwards towards a line drawn in the mud.
They started the moment Nar's head passed the line. "Look at what you did!" The oice of his childhood friend rang as he found himself face to face with a young colt. Nar stopped dead in his tracks. Then came another voice "You're just some scrappy young colt. You won't last long in the real world." Nar found himself being forced to relive his past mistakes, and other negative experiences as if he were there at that very moment. "That didn't take long." The old gryphon heaved a sigh. Nar shakes his head. 'Keep it together man. They're just visions. The door's straight ahead.' Through his visions Nar could see the many creatures strewn about, as well as the subspace door in the distance. He began to move again. 'One hoof in front of the other. Nice and easy.' The visions didn't stop. When one was finished, another would take it's place. His heart was racing, and he was fighting back the urge to just lie down and cry. 'THEY'RE. JUST. VISIONS!' He tells himself as he trudges forwards. There's purpose in each step. He HAS to get to the door, regardless of how bad the visions get. "Maybe we should never have become friends." The young mare in front of him is turned away, obviously hiding tears. 'She's not real. Keep moving.'
He's a quarter of the way there. He looks to his left and spots a stallion lying in the mud, sobbing quietly. "No mama. I didn't mean it." The stallion mumbles to himself with his hooves over his eyes. "I don't get how you even have friends. You're just a loud, annoying dumnbass." Nar is surrounded by a group of teenage ponies. They're all glaring, and hurling insults at him. "Yeah. You're just a teacher's pet. Nopony likes you." One of the mares snorts. 'Jokes on you. I got a marefriend a week later' Nar tells himself, able to allow a grin.
He's halfway there. "Now I know how much you really loved me..." Nar nearly stops dead in his tracks. The look of pain on the mare's face in front of him is heartbreaking. 'I caused that. It's my fault.' Nar feels his legs beginning to weaken, and grits his teeth. "No! These are visions! I won't be stopped here!" Nar is shouting aloud. He continues forwards at a slower pace. Each step is a fight to keep going. His mind is screaming to turn back. To get out of here. "C'MON YOU LAZY SACK OF CRAP! MOVE!" Nar screams at himself, angry with his slowed progress. "NOTHING'S STOPPED YOU SO FAR! NOTHING'S GOING TO STOP YOU NOW! MOVE!"
He's three quarters of the way there. His mother appears in front of him, very clearly upset. "You dropped out?" She asks. Nar is certain he's glowing by now. He can't really see how bright his head is glowing, but he knows it's there. He's now fighting two battles. One to keep his body moving, and another to keep control of his own mind. His emotions fighting his sense of reason for control of his thoughts. Reason was winning. Nar's heart is beating out of his chest, but he's ignoring the fear. He has one purpose, one goal. 'Get to the door.' It's so close, but so far. He could reach out, and grab the handle, but he's too weak to lift his hoof. Nar smacks up against the door, and with the last of his strength he grabs the doorknob, and flings the door open. He falls forwards through the door, and the visions fade away.
He's survived. He's alive, but still very weak mentally, and physically. Nar slowly shuts the door behind him, and slumps against it to rest. He's on the verge of passing out when he hears a voice from nearby. "You're almost there Nar! Keep going! You can make it!" It's Asuka. What was she doing here in subspace? How did she know he was here? Did she come through the Highway of Lost Hope? Nar slowly pulls himself up off of the floor, and looks to his cousin. She's smiling; waiting for him. "Just keep going that way. You'll make it. I know you will!" She's pointing down the blank highway. The door appears to be the same distance away as it was in the last highway. Regardless, Nar forces himself to move. He's sluggish, and tired, but he moves regardless.
As he walks, Asuka follows him from behind. She's shouting encouragement constantly. The blank space around Nar then begins to light up. all around him scenes begin to play. First, it's him with his first crush. The two are on a trampoline together. Next is the day he received a reward from his middle school. Then many different scenes with Juno. Next, the day his ex asked him out, followed by the many memories he had from their time together. Then the time Nar bought his bass guitar. Memories of Asuka, and the time they spent together. Memories of Roy, and the bands they were in together. There were even some from not too long ago. One of Nar giving a green crystal mare his straw hat, and the time the two went to lunch together. One of himself and a changeling sitting out on a park bench, and even some of his old co-workers. Nar felt full of energy. He was ready to take on the world. He takes a look over his shoulder to check if Asuka is still there. She is, but now she's not alone. There's at least a dozen ponies behind him now, all shouting words of encouragement. Juno, Roy, Nar's parents, his co-workers, and even some new friends are all behind him, following him to the door. He's in a full sprint now. Running through his memories, with his friends and family not far behind. 'Almost there! This is it!' Nar rushes up to the door,and stops to look back at his friends and family. They have stopped, and all appear to be waiting. Nar smiles before opening the door behind him. He then passes through to wherever the door takes him.
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