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Commander Wyatt Ryder
by on October 10, 2019
"When I met her eyes, it was like the world stopped moving. There was a connection there, unlike anything I'd ever felt before. When I finally met the Princess, I could feel what I saw. Someone just as broken as myself. One who knew death. Who'd seen the things I had. I remember inviting her to share a drink after the Games. Was it a date? I could flatter my ego and say yes, but it was more just two souls who felt a connection to another for the first time in a long time. We shared some experiences, finding we had much in common. When the subject of employment came up, I admitted I was struggling for work. Since she knew I was a soldier, she offered me a job as a Royal Guard. I applied and then became her bodyguard. Got told since I was so bloody huge, it would work better. During this time, we became friends. We got close. And eventually... Well... I fell for her."
"It frightened me at first. I had no idea what to do, how to react. I just... Acted normal. I'd not been in love before, so it was completely new to me. But I acted differently. Of course I did, I was in love. You don't act normal. I was happier, smiled more than I ever had before. Felt more at ease. Luna noticed, since I also did the occasional work for her. I'd thrown myself into my job with full vigour of course, since at the time I had nothing else. It was different from being a soldier, but helped fill the void that was left in me from those days. Of course Luna caught on, she and her sister are a thousand or so years old, you don't get much past either of them. We spoke about it all, but I was in complete denial about my feelings. For a start, I thought to myself I wasn't good enough for her. I'd done horrible things before. Not only that, but I'm a commoner, no noble blood in my veins to speak of. Luna, hearing that, laughed in my face and scoffed, telling me that while that may have been a factor many years ago, even then neither sister would have cared very much. Anyway, I was still in denial about my feelings, which Luna saw right through of course..."
"The next few weeks were strange. Mixed happiness and torment. I felt the need to act on my feelings, every time I saw her. Not knowing if she felt the same... It messed with me. I was used to feeling things like hatred, pride, an adrenaline rush... Feelings like love were foreign to me. Well, love more than the familial kind I mean. Confusion was not something I was used to feeling either. The last time I felt that, I wandered the world for a year or so. Ever since, I've felt certain in my life. In my purpose. But now, with everything else and this? It made me withdraw into myself. Eventually, Celestia caught on to my behavioural changes and asked me about it. This culminated in her admitting she had feelings for me as well after a rather tense conversation. What happened after... Well... I never kiss and tell. Ever since, we've been a couple and not long after I was promoted to Commander of The Guard. Some say she was playing favourites, but I really was the best qualified for the job, especially with my background. Canterlot never had much crime, but it dropped dramatically with me in charge."
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