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by on July 27, 2019
OP rpers are an annoyance. I think we can all agree that at some point during our time here on CA we have all met one or more rpers who are all powerful 'gods' who cant be beat. While sometimes the best option is to simply ignore them or to ask them to stop, often times that doesnt work, and an rp dies.
However, i am here to offer you a few fun ways to screw with op rpers and mary sues.
Let us begin with the op rper. If he enters the chat and starts messing up the rp for everyone, something you should NEVER do is fight back. This is what they want you to do: to get mad and to fight against them because they have no flaws, they can just thanos snap you out of existance. But there is an alternative to this.
1: Just let them win.
Now, i am not saying to worship him or anything (that would only encourage their behavior) but i am saying to be weak. If he commits an extremely op move like *shoots massive magic laser at you* dont fight it. Let him kill you. Kill the rp then and there. He will have killed you and whenever he sends another message just say "Oc lies there, Dead." And simply repeat this over and over until he leaves. This is good because op charachters will usually try to revive someone, but by saying that it didnt work, you will put them on the bad side of things. You in a way, show them that they were in the wrong, and that they are the bad ones.
This is much like #1 except there is a witness. The witness calls up some guards, and a cycle is made, where the Op char essentially massacres all of equestria. And at the end as he tries to continue just say "all he can see is a desolate wasteland: what was once home to thousands is now a zone of death." This will lead them to feel guilt, and much like number one, nobody is revived.
3: Be an asshole
This is counter to what number one says. Simply copy the op rpers style. Instead of fighting, just dodge all his attacks, and dont fight back. Eventually this will make him annoyed and leave. Enjoy the rage!
Now i will discuss how to counter mary sues.
1: be an asshole
If the mary sue tries to brag about what not "i am god of equestria and everypony likes me" make your charachter not like them. "Everypony likes me!" "Is everypony the name of your mother?" You ought to retort. Be an asshole, and if they start switching to op tactics, move up to the op reponse area. #2 will be most effective as they will likely have to kill their 'freinds' in order to stay out of trouble.
2: "idc"
if the mary sue brags about being so rich and powerful, just say "what does that have to do with me? " Or "idgaf" this will make them particularly flustered and they will try to explain how they saved the universe several times or what have you. Just repeat the process until they call you a little [insert curse word here] and storm off.
3: "wrong timeline"
If the mary sue claims to have saved the world several times, just respond with: "nah, that never happened." They will likely repond flustered and say that it did, and try to explain how it happened. Just go "Nuh uuuhhh" over and over again until they get annoyed.
If the mary sue at any point turns op, just refer to the options above.
this will essentially make them pissed, and have them "REEEEEE". Because you just wasted an hour or so of their life doing this. And you just got some good laughs.
9 people like this.
The queen of changelings
I love this. Might try a few of these out. I do get a handful of op OCs
Like May 3, 2020
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Same, from time to time. Though I have a bit of my own method to countering them as well.
Like May 3, 2020
*Bookmarks this for later*
Like December 20, 2021
Princess Twilight Sparkle
You never cease to amaze me. XD
Like December 20, 2021
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Apparently, lol)
Like December 20, 2021
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Fr, it's just been a ton of rough school junk, hope ya'll doing great with the rp :D
Like December 20, 2021
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Ofc! I'm introducing Knight to the sentient bow known as Nataruk.)
Like December 20, 2021
Quick Buck
i love how this ancient relic keeps getting brought up into the main feed :)
Like December 20, 2021