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Ebon Heart

Born on September 12, 1994
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pony Lake Air Force base
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The Call of Darkness
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Scarlet Gleam
Happy Birthday!!! Bit...of a shame, I couldn’t find your birthday cake anywhere! *She says with frosting all over her face.*
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Don’t worry I bought a spare *he brings out a giant cake taller than most pony’s*
Like September 11, 2019
Ebon Heart
Wait, holy crap, it ACTUALLY told you when my birthday was didn't it?)) *Ebon Heart simply blinks at the ponies who some how knew when his birthday was, then again as he looks up at the huge cake in front of him. He moves aside from the door to let them in. He says quietly* "Apologies for the mess,... View More
Like September 11, 2019
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“Yes, thank you for your hospitality” he said politely to Ebon. UpStage quietly whispered to Scarlet “what I do?”.
Like September 11, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
“Talk about it later, but for now we are wishing Ebon a happy birthday!!”
Like September 12, 2019
“Ok...” UpStage said with a confused expression. he slowly turned his head to Ebon a gave a big smile “happy birthday”.
Like September 12, 2019