
Polo Fastter
i don't like this mirror of this.
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The flimflam co. Is saddened by the losses of Las Pegasus. We are offering our resources to anypony effected. Fortunately production of our traditional cider is now being produced. Employees are now a... View More
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Attention: all employees.
You are advised to stay home until such time as the arsonist is caught by equestrian authorities. If you feel that your life is in danger DO NOT HESTITATE to go to the guard... View More
Attention, all employees: After recent attacks on the company, we have decided to stop all production. This will be an unpaid leave to most employees, and work will continue once the pony responsible ... View More
Everypony give a warm welcome to Nar Yakushi! The newest addition to the Flimflam co. team!
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Everypony give a warm welcome to Polo Fastter! The newest addition to the Flimflam co. team!
Another note, Everypony congratulate Amuka for being Septembers Employee of the month! She gets free acces... View More
flam why do you believe Stickman to be evil and trying to overthrow the Equestrian government I've met him and he showed no ill intentions towards Equestria in fact he has been hired by the princesses... View More
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*I notice this on the comms* "Destroy our way of life" "Conquer all of equestria" I don't even go to Las Pegasus! Blah blah blah, all lies. Besides, I'm dating a hippogriff princess. To think I want to destroy their way of life. HAH! Hogwash.
October 1, 2019
how about i show you the results of a forensic investigation i ran after this "robbery took place? *she shows you the results wich are flawless and without error they show that Stickman and his friends have no connection to this robbery*you know it could be a rouge changeling
October 1, 2019
Green calls Flam, having a question.
She waits until he answers.
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