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Trixie Lulamoon
//Just gonna yeet a starter in here, hope y'all come up with stuff to get this rolling.//
It was a chilly morning, out here in the steppes at the edge of the desert. You'd think it'd be warm at least... View More
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Slash Lancer
(Fun game, Online is survivable with a friend.)
“I.. was just wondering who was out here, since not a lot of folks are out here..”
June 8, 2019

Trixie Lulamoon
"Hmn..." After a moment, she puts her revolver away. "C'mover 'ere. Least sit by the fire. 'S too damn chilly." She would sit back down, pulling out a small bottle... Was that whiskey?
June 8, 2019

Slash Lancer
The pegasus would come and sit by the fire, relieved not to be at gun point. He didn’t seemed interested in the whiskey if it was.
(Damn it, I keep forgetting to click reply)
June 8, 2019

Slash Lancer
“I would want to get paid as well if I had to do what you’re doing. I usually get paid as a hired gun though, usually to get outlaws.”
June 9, 2019

Trixie Lulamoon
"Ah fair enough. Good line 'o work, that. Dangerous out here."
June 9, 2019

Slash Lancer
“Yep, but after a while.. you get used to it and get better.”
June 9, 2019

((Oh yeah, this is in anthro cuz I'm practicing and I like Hymn having back legs lol))
*a turquoise mare steps out, dressed simply. Is she not worried about sunburn or something? She pretty much has on only a hat, a shirt, and jeans. What the hell? Wait... She has a fucking fish tail! Oh hell! She'... View More
June 9, 2019

Sure, if it ain't to much trouble. *she sits back, and just, watches her, her ears twitching and swiveling as if listening to their surroundings.*
June 9, 2019

Trixie Lulamoon
"Alright then. Got a pouch 'o pinyon nuts too, if ye like them." She splits the beans up into two bowls, putting some nuts in hers.
June 9, 2019

*all of a sudden the mare jumps and launches herself across the fire! What the hell is she doing?!*
June 9, 2019

It could be seen that a couple of brothers could be seen, towing along a rather odd contraption. She could clearly tell by the way they looked they were snake-oilers. Scam-artists, something getting more and more common as the railways are being put in, slowly taming this wild fronteir. "Dont shoot ... View More
June 9, 2019