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With stuff being moved into his home, it was only a matter of time before a welcoming committee was on their merry way.. It felt alot nicer than when he was living up in Canterlot where his friends were based off their worth..and it didn't do well for himself having moved away from his father's, he felt like this was the correct step on his journey.. "H-hey be careful with that..its an antique.." He said as he watched them being a bit clumsy with corner stand filled with spell books and gems he had been saving.
Hello there this is a Rp that anypony can join. You can start your own, or replie to me via pm or here. Whatever your comfortable with. Here is my post. Spell sat along a row of tress, overlooking the Everfree forest. He sighed softly. Adjust his hood a cloak. Looking around as he made his way deeper. The moon slowly rising over head, as the sun slowly slips below the horizon." Great. I tried to make it here, an low an behold. The sun is going down an the moon is upon us." With a irritating huff. He made his was. He head sinking low slightly, his ears drooping to the side." Would be nice to make a friend, who knows. I might've had a better time enjoying the forest then being alone." The wind blowing as it makes the trees away softly in the moonlight.
.Post in All it takes is a friend.
Silverspark:flying over the tree a young alicorn with a silvery coat and Violet blue eyes flying fast hey mane a light bluish color with a silver blue stripe as it flowed through the air "ah II cannot believe I lost my map to that timberwolf " she spoke to herself "landed Inca tree looking around get herself lost checking around for anymore danger" what were they thinking sending me on this task they know I am not meant for this but those for four will not listen "she checked her saddle bag making sure she has everything she needs before checking the sun then the moon
.Post in Looking for an RP partner
I'd like to find someone to RP and be friends with. New to the site and the fandom but I've been roleplaying for years. No lewd, no romance (I have a bf irl and he wouldn't like it much) Message me if you want to RP, or just chat
.Post in Looking for an RP partner
Hey there, I'm new here as well (and I've also only recently joined the fandom, only for half a year or so).☺️ But I haven't done any kind of roleplay in a VERY long time; did some wolf-rps way back, but even then not much. So I'm pretty green, insofar as roleplaying goes, but I LOVE to read and would say I'm a fair writer, which I believe are the two most important characteristics one could have when it comes to any kind of roleplaying. I would really love to try to get into it though; I think once I get the hang of it I could actually become pretty good at it, since when I’m reading I’m one of those people who gets completely, 100% immersed into whatever world it is they're reading about, and I’m sure the same thing would happen while role playing as well🙃
.Post in Looking for an RP partner
Gooood morn'n all, nice to see I'm not the only new face around here. Pretty new to the site, but myself and a few other friends did a fair number of RPs over on Place is dead now, so I came on over this way. If anyone's still interested I'd be happy enough to plan out some kind of RP or whatnot, been a little bit since I've been apart of one that managed to get further than the first couple of posts.
Could I possibly join this like RP since I haven't done a MLP roleplay in forever! Also haven't really talked too much on this site. Still pretty new to here and I am happy to actually be commenting here right now. I love to do any kind of roleplay, nothing will stop me from being creative! Signed, Mythical Moonstone
Every bit of the journey had been favorable so far. The air was clear and slightly cold at night, underbrush and new leaves on trees sprang to life, and songbirds had begun to make their way back up from the South. A green Earth Pony stallion, somewhat following the pattern of the birds, also came from the South, though with a different purpose as he made his way towards Canterlot, the shining capital city of Equestria. It was newly morning when he skirted along the edge of the Whitetail Woods and made his way towards Ponyville- it was meant to be the last stop on his way to Canterlot. A smile grew on his lips as he trotted... he was ahead of schedule thanks to pushing himself, and decided that he could make a stop in the little town for a few hours.
And wouldn't you know it, today was a day that Pinkie Pie: Ponyville's Permanent Party Pony, was throwing a party! The smell of sweets of all sorts filled the air as the green stallion got closer to the town. There was some polka music playing from a record player and balloons were everywhere. As well as confetti! You can't forget the confetti! Young fillies and colts ran around, laughing happily and wearing silly hats, their parents either dragging along or watching from the sidelines as to make sure they didn't get hurt. And at the center of it all, was Sugarcube Corner. A banner hung above it with the words, "Happy Random Party Day!" written in pink paint.
A very confused stallion stopped when he smelled the sweets and heard the festivities. He racked his mind, trying to no avail to think if there was a holiday on this particular day. When nothing came to mind, he shrugged to himself and began trotting forward again, though slower and in a more observant fashion this time, with his blue-grey eyes trying to peek around the edge of the trees which lined the road. When the town came into view from around the last few trees near said road, he took note of the banner and raised an eyebrow at the idea of a random holiday. Still, the young ones seemed to be having fun, and if all was well and good here, then he thought to make a distraction of the whole matter and slip in and out of town quietly. Thus the green Earth Pony trotted over the bridge and towards the town, eager to take a load off his hooves.
The orange Pegasus mare walked through the bustling marketplace, focusing on the arts and crafts stand that sat toward the east end. She had one mission: Get some glue and fresh paint for the projects that she had to complete. The due date that she had given the clients was fast approaching, and she had to get them done before the end of the week. She had run out of green, red, and yellow paint, and was on her last bottle of glue. All she had to do, was get to the crafts stand before they ran out. She had spent nearly and hour trying to steel herself for the shopping trip, but even a self-pep talk didn't prepare her for the crowd. It was a Sunday, and Sundays were always busy days. Peach Blossom approached the stand, "E-Excuse me," she stammered, "You guys wouldn't happen to have some glue.... And some red, green, and yellow paints would you?" The clerk gave an emphatic yes, and sold her the supplies. "Thank you!" Peach chirped sweetly. She turned and began heading home at a gleeful trot. she thought happily, Just as she was turning to head for Ponyville's outskirts, she rather clumsily bumped into someone. She froze, "I'm so-sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! Did- did I hurt you?"
.Post in Open RP (Anyone can join)
"Nah. I'm fine. I'm more concerned on whether YOU'RE fine. I am pretty hefty. Did I squish you?" A purple pegasus chuckled. She pulled a hamster out of her purple jumper. This was her day of relaxation, so she was pretty giddy. "Come on, Lights! I need my cider fix!" A voice boomed in the distance. "Coming! " She looked at the orange pegasus and rolled her eyes. "Stallions."
"No! No." Peach Blossom replied, "It's fine. I wasn't looking where I was going." She managed a nervous giggle, "and I'm uh....pretty bulky myself." She flinched when she heard the stallion call out to the purple Pegasus, She looked in the direction of the stallion, then she looked back at the other Pegasus, "Um...M-mind if I tag along?"
.Post in Open RP (Anyone can join)
"Eh, why not? After all, I might want the extra company. Normally it's just me and Bo drinking second-rate cider, moaning about never being able to find work. Hey, it's not MY fault that my practical effe- OK, maybe it is my fault but-Oh my god, I'm rambling again" She breathed in and out. "Names Lights Action. And yours?"
"Thanks! I could use a break from my work." In truth, she rarely ever took a break from her work; her work was her passion after all. Peach's blue eyes watched the purple Pegasus as she spoke, "Oh! No no. It's fine," she reassured, "I ramble all the time, so I have no room to judge." A smile came to her face, "It's nice to meet you, Lights Action! My name is Peach Blossom! I'm a figure builder, miniature painter, and console repair pony!"