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This is actually quite a tricky one to answer because I have quite a few faves! But if I had to pick one... The Kelpie (Scottish) / Ceffyl Dŵr (Welsh). They're both basically the same water spirit/monster, but the fact that they can shapeshift, specifically into a horse, are close to home and have the capability of being both creepy and beautiful really appeals to me!
Biohazard Journal Entry: Gibbering mouther If you can see the picture, then you can take a good guess as to why I love (and fear) the gibbering mouther. Being a horrific creature made by the conglomeration of flesh, teeth, tongues, and eyes, nothing less then a detailed picture can get the feeling of having to see, and fight this monstrosity. This isn't just some acidic slime oozing around, those mouths work, and all though they do nothing but "gibber", you will still be scared like nothing else. I've heard of another monster similar to this called a sheogorath, but I haven't see one, nor do I want to see one. It's bad enough having to deal with regular oozes. I don't want one that screams at me non-stop.
When it comes to fear and mystery, there are few things that compare to our well known cryptids. One that really spooks me is the Dover Demon, sighted many times in Dover, Massachusetts. What freaks me out about it are not only all the believable first hand encounters, but how they describe the beast and the precarious nature of its movements. It also looks like an alien apparently and that's spooky.
My favorite is vampires, but certainly not the Dracula or Twilight kinds, I'm talking Vampire: The Masquerade Vampires. While this flavor of vampire retains the dependency on blood and aversion to sunlight, which were great horror cornerstones back when humanity was more day-oriented and blood was considered more of a person's life force and less the stuff that feeds our cells, it builds further with different clans and bloodlines of having different powers and attributes. For instance, the Nosferatu are mostly ugly as sin and quite a few live in sewers and underground tunnels, but their clan powers mostly center around animalism, potence, and obfuscate, which means that they have varying degrees of power of animals (most notably rats for them), superhuman strength, and the ability to hide or create illusions. And that's just 1 major clan out of what I think are the 10 major clans, with, of course, subfactions here of there, but that's not important. Where this flavor of vampire shines for me is it is all about the age of the vampires in relation to their power and about how they keep The Masquerade to prevent the Kine (mortals) from being aware of their existence while the different vampires all basically screw with each other to gather more power while stripping the other clans of their power. The older a vampire, the more powerful it is, obviously, but it turns into a giant interesting mess of Methuselahs (the most oldest vampires) influencing younger vampires without them really knowing about it who in turn control or influence even younger vampires or Kine minions or supplies and it just branches out into a giant web of utter shenanigans where all your actions are made up and your individual goals don't matter because you might be being influenced by an older vampire to accomplish their goals without even knowing it. They had an interesting TCG that used 2 decks and a multitude of actions utilizing political actions and straight-up combat to bleed your opposing Methuselahs little by little to beat everyone else out a little after I was born and I've never got to actually play it... :c Also, Twilight-brand(tm) vampires make me butthurt.
((It's kinda hard for me to choose! I love so many monsters! But, of course, I'm going to have to go with the obvious! Werewolves are so freaking cool to me because I've always loved sharp teeth and claws and such! I don't know why, but the thought of becoming a horrible unstoppable beast on a full moon is so cool to me! Especially because during a full moon, I go super crazy(er)! Anyway, everyone probably already knew what my favorite was going to be.))
werewolves/vampires it’s a tie, there’s shows about them that keep me busy but I always loved seeing the Van Helsing movie around this time of year for obvious reasons, always loved the moon and stories about werewolves and vampires.. I saw some documentaires that make me believe it’s real even If it’s just a myth, the thought of being able to transform like that is Cool imo minus the bloodsucking and killing
I don't really have favorites. I am so OCD that I can't choose anything. I can't make up my mind and choose just one! But here are a few I have heard of that seem cool: The Wendigo: It was said to be a spirit of sorts that possess people and makes them cannibalistic. I thought this was cool because it would make sense of why someone is stupid enough to eat a person if they are not starving. Source: Bray Road Beast: Also known as a werewolf to people in Wisconsin. This is cool because I really like the idea of a real werewolf! I am a believer. So if something could possibly be real then.. YAY!!! Source: El Chupacabra: chupar meaning “to suck” and cabra meaning “goat". Very weird name haha but catchy! I think this is the most realistic you could get to a werewolf. I mean it could be a normal dog with a rabies mutation. Or it could be an actual werewolf just in more of a dog form than human. Hahaha or it could be a hairy vampire that stayed out in the sun too long and shrunk to dog like figure XP kidding of course! Source: Loch Ness Monster: Pretty much it is a Brachiosaurus or other long neck dinosaurs in the Sauropods group but with flippers instead of legs. This makes it more like a Plesiosauria or Elasmosaurus. If this sighting was really of a dinosaur at about A . D . 500 to 1500....then...was it real? I mean no one studied dinosaurs back then right (1784-1856)? Makes people wonder. Source: Other Legends and myths:
My favorite monster is humanity itself. How dreadful we are! Wonderful too, yet as with everything there is the less than pleasant side. We all have that darkness that we carry deep within ourselves. Some of us choose to lock the cage that contains the beast while others let it prowl freely, whether by choice or by instinct. Thus my obsession with post-apocalyptic settings. What becomes of humanity when pushed to breaking point? All this being said, I do believe in the light of humanity! I believe people naturally want to help others and I will never give up my hope in others. It's a vicious cycle of picking up the pieces and being broken again where people stop believing in others and become part of the problem itself. p.s. Also why Bastille is one of my favorite bands. A lot of their songs address darker themes.
SO im no big video game or horror movie watcher to honestly have a lot of monsters in my mind. so this was a bit of a toughie. i'm going to go with ... wendigos, as they are portrayed in the show. i haven't looked into their origins or other portrayals, but it was the first time i'd ever heard of them in the hearths warming eve episode. thought the idea of these odd little ice horses that use hate to bring forth blizzards was kind of cool! as a bonus, they're pretty easy to disspell as well; which is really a good thing when it comes to any kind of monster.
While I’m not big into mythical creatures, monsters and the like despite a high appreciation for Halloween, I do have a mild interest in ghouls. They are different than ghosts in that they are considered significantly more malicious, feeding off of corpses and robbing graves. Pros of ghouls: • Adds excitement to your life if you live near a cemetery • Plenty of bad horror movies with ghouls to watch • Paralyzing saliva • Cons: • Living in constant fear isn’t everyone’s thing • Not very much good ghoul media • Having face eaten • Stench
My favorite monster is probably Guy Fieri, not only because of his strong anime fighting stance, but because he wears sunglasses on the back of his head. Who does that? Surely, if you ever dress as Guy Fieri or hang up posters with this dreadful creature plastered over the front, you'll scare the souls out of your first born son and he will never be the same again.