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The green and black stallion would dynamically move towards the discussion. In such a manner that it barely looked like he moved his hooves at all. He would blow air through his nose, looking pumped. Afterall, Nitroxus made sure to shower twice, place on his best cologne and even made sure to mouthwash his entire jaw to the point where only the pleasant smell of peppermint would escape through his lips. Expertly looking at the replies, he would raise his hoof.* I'm surprised that nopony have brought up the best type of pizza. A pizza that no mere mortal can say that is unimaginative. A combination of flavoring that can make any average pizza enjoyer into a wise pizza eater. That flavoring, is the masterpiece to one to end a great day. A pizza with alfredo sauce as a sauce base. A mix of mozzarella and parmesan cheese with chives and specks of garlic interlaced. With a pair toppings of chicken and beef, that even be expanded with small bits of tomato if you're willing to increase its already grand potential. This is the exotic pizza that can make anypony cry out to the heavens, and weep the small fracture of heaven that fell into their mouths. This is a pizza that everypony should try at least once in their lives, to know what it means to truly live!
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Since we are ordering pizza can I get one with bacon, ham, pepperoni and pineapple with cheese in a crust that has been basted with garlic butter. That is provided the meat came from a source that never had sentience. Like meat grown in a vat or something.
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
"In a /VAT/?" he would gasp with shock! "Disgusting! do you have no standards! Meat iss absolutely abhorrent no matter where, or who, it comes from!" he would stamp his lil hooves in objection. "Fruit on a pizza is perfectly fine and reasonable, but meat, that is where the line is crossed irrreversibly!"
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Elizabeth hurries to find Smoke once she arrives to the party, she was unsure of what kind of party this was so she wore a formal dress, once she saw Smoke she hurried to him and hugged him tightly, "I hope you werent waiting too long," she says happy to see him