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.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Sylvia would smile a bit as she now stands in front of Knight. "Maybe...But you do look nice..I was actually worried that I may have underdressed a bit." She giggled a little. "Its...Pretty packed here isn't it?" She would then ask as she looked around.
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Obsilion blinks a few times and looks down at Elizabeth as he is hugged. He was lost in thought for a moment before she showed up. He would smile a little as he hugged back. "No..I didn't wait long at all...How have you been?"
"If you have an issue with pineapple pizza, I believe your heart lacks sweetness. I vote for pineapple to be included, maybe anchovies too - I hear they're pretty good on pizza." Ephemeria Spring chimed in, having casually strolled in and inserted herself into the scene like a perfectly fitting Jenga piece. It was easier than having to explain she may have slept in for the day while also forgetting the details of the party until she found the tattered pamphlet. "Mm... then again, you might need to get a doctor if you manage to find out your heart *is* sweet."