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Sky who had been busy watching the chaos of everyone fighting over pizza unfold before his draconian eyes would look back to Misty with an amused chuckle. "Yeah uh everything sorta turns in to a battleground when there is pizza on the line. Or food in general really. I'm not saying I'm any better of course."
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
He blinks as he stares at her. "..........You knew didn't you?..." he then sighs a bit. "I guess mingling couldn't hurt.....I was hoping we could see Night Rose here..." he would say, keeping her close as he as starts to walk with her.
He stops as he considers that, "It is possible that they would be fine but it would also be possible that they would all be pregnant," he says, "You would also be creating two additional beings within the already existing ones and merging back together would mean you would have to merge those additional beings together as well who may or may not go along with the merge... it could be disastrous," he says worried