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.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Kookyshy and Brownie Swirl looked around the venue, taking in the sights and sounds of the party. Brownie Swirl's eyes widened with excitement as she spotted the arcade and the photobooth. "Mom, can we go take pictures? Please?" she pleaded. Kookyshy smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm. "Of course, let's go check it out" They headed towards the arcade, where they found a line forming in front of the photobooth. They took their place in line, listening to the excited chatter of the other attendees. As they waited, Kookyshy couldn't help but notice the beautiful garden area to their left. "Hey, let's go check out the flowers!" she suggested. Brownie Swirl agreed, and they made their way over to the garden. The garden was a peaceful oasis, with a variety of colorful flowers in bloom. Brownie Swirl ran ahead, eager to explore, while Kookyshy followed at a slower pace, taking in the beauty around her. They found a spot in the picnic area and sat down to relax for a bit, enjoying the lovely weather and the company of the other partygoers. As they sat, they could hear the DJ beginning to play music and the dance floor filling up with ponies. Kookyshy and Brownie Swirl looked at each other, then stood up and headed towards the dance floor, ready to join in the fun.