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Dancing was... certainly not one of Ephemeria's greatest skills. She barely had a handle on basic footwork let alone anything fancy resembling choreography! The mare held her breath, glancing around at the various attendees to get a grasp on how she ought to conduct herself before acting and making a fool out of herself. There were these two odd pair of individuals that were stuck chatting within their own bubbles, she rolled her eyes and let them be. It might even be a good idea to follow the trend and stay back while those who knew their stuff set the pace of the dance floor. Also, wasn't she supposed to have a plus-one? Maybe they were bound to turn up even more late than her. Ah well, time will tell. A sharp inhale from Ephemeria's muzzle indicated the urge to cease her inhibitions, as Star Hope had eloquently suggested to the whole group. Her hooves caved in and she stepped towards past the outer rim and enter the edge of the dance floor. No extravagent moves were to be seen here, but the little florist had taken on a gentle cool sway, tapping along to the music and acting as a background dancer to the overall scene.
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Ghost would've finally found his best spot to hide in with the Cardboard box and cut a Small eye slot into the box so He could watch what was going on, If this was hide and Seek then nopony would be able to spot him under a table full of other object's...Aka Snack's.