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Silverspark:after the conga line with some of the kids she took a break before teleporting to the chocolate fountain she grabbed some marshmellows and dipped them in and ate a few "this is the best chocolate I ever tasted I wonder where they got it "the small filly talking to. herself yet she looked around seeing all the different ponies and other creatures around some danced others in the sidelines she looked around hoping for a pink face she knows she thought she heard her @Princess Silk she knows she is here she can sense her if one of her wings we're broken she be flying high enough to spot her over this crowd she closed her eyes her horn lit up and shot a silvery blue light
Suddenly, as fashionably late as ever, Marina Bleu burst in, her chest heaving. “Oh… my… clam….” she panted, swiftly whipping out a mirror from under her wing and using it to quickly check her appearance, petting back any stray hairs from her intricately styled mane. Once she felt she looked presentable enough, she locked target on Flam, her beau, and trotted towards him. “You will not BELIEVE the TERRIBLE journey I had getting here!” she whined dramatically, all the while smoothing out her beautiful, soft blush coloured dress. “I was literally CHASED! Chased by these awful, brutish hooligans! Goodness knows why! Perhaps I looked too radiant and stunning?” And radiant she looked indeed, clearly the crystal pony had spent some time polishing her gorgeous crystalline fur. The light glimmered off of her in a mesmerizing way. “They had mentioned something… something about you? Ugh, I’m too frazzled to even remember why! Anyways….” Marina smiled dazzlingly at Flam, almost as if she hadn’t been late at all. “How is my wonderful fiancé doing today?”
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
The ling remained still, still hiding within the claw machine wondering If He knew this stranger or not but a HEAVY case a deja vu was flooding his mind and thought's at this point...He also began to wonder if He took the blue cake-pop or the red cake pop!