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.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Flam would strut up to the front, upmost confidence in his brow. "of course! One such delectable pizza without question would be a tofu, pineapple, black olive, and banana pepper pizza. All of these toppings atop an alfredo base, peppered lightly and hand tossed to an extravagant flourish. When it comes out, what more could be added would be some lightly garlic dusted crust and a dash of flax seeds complete with a cilantro garnish." "Surely it shouldnt be much trouble." He would say with a flair for luxury.
Looking back at the hosts after the mention of pizza Sky would think for a moment, but not really feeling anything specific he'd just say "I don't care just make it an extra large deep dish!" He's not greedy of course, Sky is just likely the biggest one in the room with an apatite to match. And now back to messing around at the arcade.
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
After hearing the announcement and the chit chat that ensued, Comp would emerge from the dust of the arcade wing after completing his highest scoring round of Dig Dug ever only to announce, "Why hasn't anypony else supported the pineapple idea yet?!"
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
"What's a Pizza ?, Something that mutated Turtle ponies named after famous ponies with ninjna weapon's and have a Rat parent ?..........That was oddly spefific. Anyhow I'll have something with cheese as a base, Cooked then have a Organic Apple sauce spread across it with lettuce with carrot's, Then baked again." The ling spoke out of nowhere as He was busy floating across the ceiling.