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Silverspark:stopped her light show then turned too the pizza but soon she walked over to the goodie bag table as she is was heading for her box she looked around for somepony too sit with she decide to sit with Skystar and Stickman "you guys did great dancing out there may I sit with you guys ?"she asked
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
He would gasp. "Chased?" he would ask with some great deal of alarm as he got up, making sure she wasn't hurt in any way! I thought I had gotten a carriage all set for you to come straight to this gala!" he would say getting up with a slight smile, his eyes darting all over her dress! "Did you get a new dress?" he would ask as he would trot with her towards the great eatery, where apparently the pizza they had ordered was set out. "It looks absolutely Stunning!" "Though i'm not sure the sort of... food they have in mind will do well to it." he would say, gesturing to the pizzas all lined up, and ponies surrounding this almost buffet line of food!