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Astro Blitz
.Post in Celebrating 5 Years Together
//I first want to say its still an honor to be using this site. I been here since Day -1, and its been a real trip. Here to being here for yet another 5 years. Below, I will write out my short story of my son Nitroxus. As I don't write FanFics, so please bare with me with the story. As Nitroxus sat on the porch of his latest bunker, the green burrowing pony would have a swaddled pair of twin foals in his arms. Nitroxus looked very tired, with the bags under his eyes being so large that they could hold a gallon of water each. Nitroxus would smile weakly, looking out to the sunset. He was now a father, to 2 young boys. Solarius Soulspins and Solurium Soulspins. Nitroxus held his sons, knowing that his wife was just inside resting from making sure the bunker was in order. Nitroxus laughed in his mind, how did his life get to be this good? He was married to a mare, just as paranoid as himself, and loved his bunker. He was married and living out his happy life. Nitroxus looked up, just to see his brother Astro fly in. In the 5 years, Astro have strangely matured into a smart pegasus. As it turned out, Astro had a strange learning method, he had a perfect photographic memory, as well comprehension. All it took for Astro to unlock it was to get hit in the head with a bowling ball. Family bowling night was over after that. He wasn't smarter than Nitroxus yet, he was getting close. With that in mind, Astro soon got a new job. He was a voice actor, so good in fact he was considered to be the next Morgan Freemane. Astro had been happy since, still sadly single since the mares just couldn't believe he lived a simple life, despite being a celebrity. Along side him was Sling. Sling was now shredded. As it turned out, Sling got into a serious relationship, yet the break-up that followed almost killed him. He nearly lost his home and business due to the stress. He got super depressed as well, until it finally snapped. After taking a chance with a gym that wanted him to sponsor them. Sling agreed to it, thinking it would be his last good deed before he make an attempt on his own life. Yet, the gym business was a success, as it turned out that they played his older music for background noise. Sling's music was so motivating to others, that in little time it was motivating to Sling. As a result, Sling, who was now overweight, started to work out. Now considered a chiseled Adonis, Sling was happy again. So happy, that he almost made the mistake of calling his parents again. Sling also got married, with 2 foals of his own. Drop Tune and Melodious Bass. They were 2 and 1, respectfully. The 3 brothers would laugh at each other. They didn't expect all of this, mainly for Sling since they worried about him the most. Yet, they were happy. Neither of them would change how their lives at all. Well maybe Astro, as he would have picked to have that bowling ball hit him a bit later in life. By at least 2 weeks, after that date with that purple zebra mare. He was so scared of her. The three brothers, were happy. The End?
.Post in Celebrating 5 Years Together
//5 years...golly it's been a long time. I like the fact of how we've come together to make this place lively. It's like my internet home. Anyways my plans for the next 5 years aren't set in stone and probably never will be knowing me, but I plan currently and perhaps in the future of selling my art whether it be traditionally or digitally to the best of my ability. To continue to grow and work hard on my work portfolio. I plan to move everything I wish to take from my hometown with me for my full on move to the current place I'm staying at. Hopefully within the 5 years I find some time to learn to drive. With each year like the years prior I will continue to grow emotionally stronger as most of my important family has long since passed and overcome my mental issues. I hope to get better socially speaking to others so as to avoid toxic situations as I've learned from the past. I also plan on both reviving my YouTube channel and start streaming more on Twitch. With streaming more I hope to get enough subscribers or followers to create a welcoming community and share a bit of myself as well as my work. A plan I do have aside from all of these is to get a new laptop that can handle all my work. I do apologize if this seems messy but I haven't typed anything this long or so in a while so I may improve that on a later date not sure.
In five years? Idk. Honestly, in five years, i just hope this inflation shit calms down. I hope to be working a decent job. Depending on how things go, I hope to be starting on working on my bachelors... Maybe get some much needed mental help. MAYBE. Idk man. I just hope to be living decently with minimal stress in five years. thats it.
Bird Song
.Post in Celebrating 5 Years Together
in five years i hope have my own space! i wanna have my a neat little job working as a librarian assistant and live in a small flat with my love and a cat or two. as well as surrounded by loved ones! [: and to add to that, i hope that i'm able that Bird Song is able to grow with me. we've grown through literally everything together and she's gone through so many changes! i hope that my drawings do her justice, and show how much love i have for her :3
.Post in Celebrating 5 Years Together
In five years I hope to already be done with studying and hopefully already working a job in a field related to my studies (biotech). I hope to have accomplished some other things I've been working towards, some of those things are much too personal to share, but one of them I don't mind saying is that I'd love to already have a driving license by then. Hahahaha... Most of what I'm looking forward to is to finally be independent from my parents, or at the very least to be able to collaborate in a bigger way to my household. I'm close, so I really hope that looking back 5 years from now, everything I've set my eyes on today will be a reality.
Queen Lesa
.Post in Celebrating 5 Years Together
I hope I'm not too late! I missed out on the first anniversary of this site when it went live....Work is officially in the silly season! Trying to get as much done before our Christmas break. Nevertheless~ where do I see my character in five years time? Hopefully still ruling alongside her husband as most know his body is failing him. There is a possibility if him passing on leaving the Queen to rule on her own. Would she find another? Possibility not depends on where her heart sits. I was still surprised that King Artemis was a returning character and a good friend from Ponysquare days, but he was playing as Dusk Shine back then~ I've enjoyed my time here~ made a lot of good friends and memories. I'll be here again next year~
.Post in Celebrating 5 Years Together
In five years I hope to have successfully finished with my apprenticeship and be working full time, so I will finally be able to do all the things I have always wanted to do without having to save up money for a long time. I also hope that in the upcoming five years my personal life will also improve from what it is right now as well. Besides that I really hope to find some time again to get back into some of my hobbies I liked to do during my free time, but have no time for most of the time because of work and studies. One of the things would be drawing some art, since it is very calming and I have so many ideas I haven't drawn yet. As for my activity here on this page I am really happy that this page is still going after all these years and the end of G4. Even though I have never been really active on here, I will surely stick around the upcoming five years to see what is to come. I wish Canterlot Avenue a happy anniversary and hope Misty Nights & Sunshine Serenade are having a great week! Also a special thanks to all the staff members and supporters, who kept the site safe and alive for all these years.
Carmen Gumshoe
.Post in Celebrating 5 Years Together
in five years, i’d like to have finally taken up animation as a hobby. i’ve got blender downloaded, i’ve a backlog of tutorials and assets ready to mess with the program, but it’s all about time and motivation for me. i would like to have some improvement in my career, too. something to where i don’t have to work all the time away from home in order to (barely) make ends meet. to have a job where i can have some sort of life outside of it without feeling entirely guilty about missing hours would be a literal godsend. character-wise, i’m sure i’ll have given Carmine a satisfying conclusion within the next five years. that’s not to say i’m killing him or retiring him permanently, but i’d like him, and all my characters, to be able to have their ending. that way, when the time comes and i sign on CA for the last time in my life, i can walk away satisfied that i gave my babies a proper sendoff. :relieved: