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.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Flam trotted in, quite finely dressed. Stepping into the garden as to avoid any of the more active and less formal parts of the crowd. He held himself high, making himself appear much more wealthy than he actually was. Wearing a quite finely made suit, and an eloquent hat, he seemed well prepared for whatever the party could throw! So long as it was well regulated!
Prince Starwatcher would arrive in a somewhat formal white button-down suit and black-tie and would wander around for a bit before deciding to take a look in the garden and get in some fresh air through the wind and flowers. hmm sure is nice and quiet I like when is more peaceful and less chaotic, especially when someone might notice me like fans of mine, I don't like when the crowd around me like kids at a candy shop, at least here there won't be lots of creatures here to bother me.
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
The Ghostling sat there quietly in the garden by his lonesome staring at the star's in silence, Almost like they were deep in thought about something on their mind, keeping them distracted from everything around him before forcfully snapping himself out of his own trance and made his way to float toward's the snack's.
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
"Arcade is life!" exclaimed Comp as he threw up his wings in an interesting sign. He was instantly gravitated to the Dig Dug machine where he was determined to claim all 5 high score places, at least until the event commenced. He didn't know who else would be attending or what was in store, but his goal was a certainty.
Knight waited by the door for his date, he isnt one for parties, he hates crowds and finds it bothersome to keep up a conversation, but he wants to have a good time with Sylvia so he is here in a tux waiting for her to appear so they can walk in together, he pulls at his shirt, "Feels like a damm collar," he mutters to himself
Seems like Sky's partner for the event was running late... After a while of waiting he'd opt to kill some time in by heading off to the arcade to see if they had anything the overgrown horse lizard could actually play without breaking. Snacks were tempting but he'd opt to let some others at least get a taste of the snacks before he made them all disappear so games it is. BUT HE'D GET TO THE SNACKS SOON ENOUGH!
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
The stallion had driven here in his pride and joy but had decided to keep it out of sight of the other guests, parking it in an alleyway a block or so away from the venue and pulling a black cover over it. The guests would likely have a lot to process with the arrival of someone from somewhere so different so he thought it best to keep it away from prying eyes, after all, there probably wouldn't be any shortage of questions regarding his...appearance, and having to answer further questions on technology that he couldn't really explain to the locals might make him nervous. The huge stallion made his way out of the alleyway, lighting a cigarette and taking a long, deep inhale, before blowing a large cloud of smoke and walking along with the cigarette pursed between his lips, taking puffs of it as he walked. His usually ratty and unkempt mane had been tamed and pulled into a ponytail that stopped around the midsection of his back, on his person he wore a thin grey sleeveless hoodie, a pair of black knee length shorts and some black and white sneakers. As for his augments, he'd decided to go with his Sunday best, or well, as close to Sunday best could be when augmented limbs were concerned. The white polymer composite arms he adorned gleaned underneath the streetlights, his legs seemingly made of the same material too. His cybernetic eye was made of a similar material, with a set of three LED rings shining an orange color that complimented his hazel eye a lot more than the last one did, a set of masks that matched the peach color of his coat adorning his face, one half mask that covered up his carbon fiber jaw and buckled behind his head, the other covering his face-plate, looking fairly convincing but with small seams visible if looked at from up close. The huge stallion took one last drag of his cigarette, before snuffing it out on top of a garbage can and looking over the doors, taking a deep breath and pushing them open. The stallion wordlessly took the tour, following behind Sunshine as she showed him all of the areas that were open to himself and the other guests, giving small waves to any guests he would catch the eyes of, before taking Sunshine's advice and letting out a quiet "Thank you." as he watched the energy filled pegasus bounce off towards the main doors. Leon thought for a moment, pondering on what he should do here before he made his way out the north west door and sitting down on a bench in the gardens and looking over the flowers swaying in the warm breeze of a spring's night, a soft smile coming to his face as he did. They didn't have these back home.