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Sylvia didnt care to much to come to the party, but she knew Knight Wolf would be there, so she thought "why not?". She didnt care too much to dress up all fancy though. She would just show up wearing black stockings, a midnight blue skirt, a black cropped long sleeve, and a large piece of purple fabric tied around her waist. This time, the fabric was tied off into a bowtie with the bow on her lower back. As she made her way into the party, she would immediately look for Knight and would go to him.
Obsilion had heard of the party that was happening. Normally, he wasnt one to really go out to parties, but he thought this would be a good way to have Elizabeth and Night Rose meet each other. Of course he sent them both invitations and made sure to be there. Obsilion would soon walk through the doors wearing jeans and a rather nice looking sweater. He didnt really want to dress fancy for the party. He wasnt the kind that really like to be dressed up. He did at least make sure to clean himself up a bit for the party and do his hair. Now that he was here, all he has to do as wait for his lovers to arrive. So thats what he does.
Star Hope
.Post in Spring Party ROLEPLAY THREAD!
Star decided to make her way over to the north west, admiring the beautiful flowers and picnic area they had set up. It sure was incredible, and not even the most beautiful flowers compared to the majesty she saw here. At least not the ones she'd seen before. "Oh Canterlot, it's so good to be back home. You never cease to amaze me with these incredible displays of beauty"
After being settled at the venue, closed the doors but made sure to leave a sign outside greeting late guests. They approached the and picked up the microphone. tapped the mic and coughed into it to get most of your attention. She spoke, moved over to the microphone to add, chuckled and continued, yelled excitedly,