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Greetings, everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday. Here at Canterlot Avenue, we want to take this time to announce our holiday event for Christmas and New Year. This year we are encouraging users to show their holiday spirit by designing your own tree ornament. You can choose to design your own from scratch, or you are welcomed to use our template that we have provided down below. Alternatively, you can choose to share your new year's resolutions with us in the same forum for this event. The requirements for this part of the event are as follows: -Your post must contain 2 (two) sentences -You must provide some detail of your new year's resolutions You are more than welcomed to do both events if you do so choose. This event will be closing on January 3rd at 12 AM (Midnight) Eastern Time. A beautiful badge will be handed out as soon as possible after the event. We hope that you all enjoy the holidays and we hope that you all have a wonderful new year as well. Happy Holidays!
.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
My new years resolution is to become more determined and driven, something that now, i lack. I want to try and push myself into doing things like cleaning the house, maintaining my truck, taking my courses seriously. I will try to become more self sufficient and able to push myself to do better for myself
.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
I'm stifled in terms of art, so I'm just gonna write, I'm good at it. I got two New Year's resolutions: The first is to stop being such a bitch on all fronts. I mean it forreal-both in terms of attitude, and in terms of fear. Sometimes these are connected. I am mean or treat people a certain way because I believe that friendship won't last and that I'm not a great person. But perhaps I just have too much trauma I can't let go of and need to, in order to move forward. So many people here have reached out to me and made friendships. I love you all...thank you for putting up with me. And in addition, I am going to stop holding back in terms of making myself look and feel the best I can-which leads to my second point-positivity. No more suicide jokes, no more self-deprecating jokes, no more negative outlook. And I expect the best from everyone else too. We're all going to lift each other up. I look forward to bringing you all more exciting RP and terrible memes in the future, thanks for being here with me.