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My New Years resolutions are as follows, first I want to write more as I haven’t been doing it as often and I feel like I have been letting people down who like my stories but have no conclusion. Second I would like to spend more time with my family for the some same reasons as the first, as I have been busy with work and not much else.
((Hi! I'm a bit late to the party, but here I am. ^^ I'm feeling a little sicky as I'm writing this so it's probably not gonna be as in depth as I originally wanted. I wanna say how proud I am of this community and thank all who welcomed me with open arms, into their lives and on the site. I can't really put into words how much all of you mean to me, especially ones that are very close to my heart. I'm not the best at wording things in a big fancy way, but Frosty, Weswoo… and others that I can't think of at the moment (I'm running a fever so bear with me x3) I love you and I wish you every happiness in the whole wide world! I hope to get closer to you and many others such as Chubs and Seir because I really wanna and I love making people smile. My Resolution is one that is super duper common but I am determined to do it. I wanna work on my physical health. As in lose weight and work out and all that. I feel a need to take good care of my body and so that's what I'm gonna do! Also I hope to get more organized with my commissions especially and stop overwhelming myself with too many at once. I hope you all have a wonderful 2020! Also... pssst my birthday is on the 6th xD (Sorry I get excited) ))
.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
It's hard to believe that this year is already coming to an end. Although, that's what I say every year. And quite the year it has been. I'm not one for resolutions, but I may as well. Before that, I wanted to get into a few little things first. During our Second Anniversary Event, I was regrettably unsuccessful in posting to it. So, I decided that I wanted to write out what I wanted to say in this forum post. When it comes to Canterlot Avenue, the ups and downs fluctuate. Though, I found that what I gained from this place is worth more than anything. I have made so many new friends here, and a lot of them play a very important role in my day-to-day life. I feel very lucky to call them my friends. Truly, I'm not sure where I would be without them now. So, I decided I would contribute a little blurb about a few of them here. Zah, you're a very pleasant person to talk to. Though somehow you carry around an intimidating aura, you've always just been soft. It's slow-going now, but I look forward to getting to know you better as a friend. Seir, you're a really big dork. And it's always nice to be in your presence. You have a certain kindness surrounding you that I haven't found in anyone else. Being around you, it feels like the atmosphere is at peace. You're just a joy. Phoenix, you're such a doofus. But I like you too. Our conversations late at night tend to spiral into very stupid topics, but it's pretty fun. Just keep being you, you're good the way you are. Pinker Wolf Pie, my favorite giggly pink pal. You're one of the sweetest people I know. Don't ever lose your heart and joy. It's splendidly infectious, and everybody knows that. I appreciate you so much. WESLEY! Thank you. You're a very special person in my life, and I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything. You're the reason I found out about this place, as well as the reason I've built these bonds. I know you'd do just about anything for me, and I'll never forget that. So again, thank you so much. Gen ToNiC, you're wonderful, I can't even describe it. Our friendship really did grow extremely fast for the amount of time we spent talking to each other, and it only grows stronger by the day. All of our conversations are interesting and meaningful. I just can't wait to see where we go from here. Lula, wowzers. I'm very excited to see how this relationship develops. We've been friends for a while now, and I'm ready to see where this next step takes us. We got this. I love you guys lots, you've gotten me through a lot. And because of that, my new year's resolution is to do my best to better myself as a person. And with my friends by my side, I know I can. I want to succeed, and I have to.
.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
I have a few of New Year's Resolutions. This next year I will be working to master the art of conflict resolution. It has been a skill I've started learning as a manager, and it has been a crucial part of my day-to-day life. Second, I will learn to speak at least one more language by the end of 20200. I have Spanish, American Sign Language, Dutch, and Tagalog as my top choices. Lastly, I will get more involved wherever I am. I still have social anxiety and tend to fall back when I get too anxious, so I'll work to confront those anxieties so I can be more outgoing and engaging especially in sites like this one. I've made a lot of progress over the last year, and I intend to keep growing.