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.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
It's hard to believe that this year is already coming to an end. Although, that's what I say every year. And quite the year it has been. I'm not one for resolutions, but I may as well. Before that, I wanted to get into a few little things first. During our Second Anniversary Event, I was regrettably unsuccessful in posting to it. So, I decided that I wanted to write out what I wanted to say in this forum post. When it comes to Canterlot Avenue, the ups and downs fluctuate. Though, I found that what I gained from this place is worth more than anything. I have made so many new friends here, and a lot of them play a very important role in my day-to-day life. I feel very lucky to call them my friends. Truly, I'm not sure where I would be without them now. So, I decided I would contribute a little blurb about a few of them here. Zah, you're a very pleasant person to talk to. Though somehow you carry around an intimidating aura, you've always just been soft. It's slow-going now, but I look forward to getting to know you better as a friend. Seir, you're a really big dork. And it's always nice to be in your presence. You have a certain kindness surrounding you that I haven't found in anyone else. Being around you, it feels like the atmosphere is at peace. You're just a joy. Phoenix, you're such a doofus. But I like you too. Our conversations late at night tend to spiral into very stupid topics, but it's pretty fun. Just keep being you, you're good the way you are. Pinker Wolf Pie, my favorite giggly pink pal. You're one of the sweetest people I know. Don't ever lose your heart and joy. It's splendidly infectious, and everybody knows that. I appreciate you so much. WESLEY! Thank you. You're a very special person in my life, and I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything. You're the reason I found out about this place, as well as the reason I've built these bonds. I know you'd do just about anything for me, and I'll never forget that. So again, thank you so much. Gen ToNiC, you're wonderful, I can't even describe it. Our friendship really did grow extremely fast for the amount of time we spent talking to each other, and it only grows stronger by the day. All of our conversations are interesting and meaningful. I just can't wait to see where we go from here. Lula, wowzers. I'm very excited to see how this relationship develops. We've been friends for a while now, and I'm ready to see where this next step takes us. We got this. I love you guys lots, you've gotten me through a lot. And because of that, my new year's resolution is to do my best to better myself as a person. And with my friends by my side, I know I can. I want to succeed, and I have to.
.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
I have a few of New Year's Resolutions. This next year I will be working to master the art of conflict resolution. It has been a skill I've started learning as a manager, and it has been a crucial part of my day-to-day life. Second, I will learn to speak at least one more language by the end of 20200. I have Spanish, American Sign Language, Dutch, and Tagalog as my top choices. Lastly, I will get more involved wherever I am. I still have social anxiety and tend to fall back when I get too anxious, so I'll work to confront those anxieties so I can be more outgoing and engaging especially in sites like this one. I've made a lot of progress over the last year, and I intend to keep growing.
My year's resolution is, well not very much different from what it is, work, practice art more cause I'd like to get back into art, have a stable going role-plays and be replying to every role-play that I have, help less fortunate people all around the world, and maybe some little time for myself if I can afford that, but other than that, just being around here.
New Years Resolutions: Basically to do everything right that went wrong in the past few years, like making new real life friends because most of the current ones are online and going out more often, instead of playing games at home. But I also want to try to continue with my education and get a well paid job this year!
frosty went and made this basalt face a while ago, resizing blobbed her signature, sorry frosty //the whole >40 hours a week, home upkeep, and 10 credit hours a semester thing is kind of killing me, but that's okay. //kind of a 3-for-1 on the resolution. when my pops died, i lost my motivation to learn polish, but i started picking up ASL last year, and i'm working/schooling so hekken much, i may as well go whole ham on learning polish, ASL, and nursing courses. make me a right proper educated gentleman while i'm at it, why not? //i wasn't doing very much miniature painting anyways, but, hey, let's see if i can't get my knight preceptor canis rex fully magnetized and painted before 2021, be a shame if his battle brothers never got their fire support.
First off, quick New Year's resolution tip: Keep your goals specific, and start your sentences with "I will". Instead of saying "I plan on loosing weight," say something like "I will start running five miles a week" or "I will only eat 2,000 calories a day". This helps you by giving you a specific task to focus on, and internalizes the goal as part of your routine instead of being a vague promise of something you want to do eventually. And with that out of the way, here's my highest priority resolution for the next three months: I will create a simple portfolio website to demonstrate that I am capable of using HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, and JavaScript in web design (plus whatever technologies I discover I will need along the way). This website won't be a huge passion project, rather the website will be a demo to show that I understand concepts essential to modern web development (Responsive Design, C.R.U.D, etc...). Since I have historically dived head first into programming projects with little to no planning, I will spend the first two weeks of January planning the site. Since I literally just got prescribed ADHD medication for the first time like 12 hours before writing this, I'll set reminder bot on discord now to remind me in a week and a half to assess the effects of the medication and create a more concrete time investment plan based on what seems reasonable after understanding the drug's effects on my mind, and another reminder in three weeks to assess if that time investment is working.
.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
My new year's resolution is to continue to get better as a person. I want to continue drawing, I want to eat better and be healthier, to be a better friend and lover, to continue to educate myself and learn new skills, to be a better sister and daughter and of course to discover more things. This year I found love and nourished wonderful friendships and these two elements have made this year wonderful for me, it was a year full of good surprises and growth. I can happily say that 2019 was a wholesome year for me, there were rough patches of course, but everything that was good was stronger and has left me feeling satisfied over all. I'm grateful for this year and look forward to the future. <3
Greetings, everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday. Here at Canterlot Avenue, we want to take this time to announce our holiday event for Christmas and New Year. This year we are encouraging users to show their holiday spirit by designing your own tree ornament. You can choose to design your own from scratch, or you are welcomed to use our template that we have provided down below. Alternatively, you can choose to share your new year's resolutions with us in the same forum for this event. The requirements for this part of the event are as follows: -Your post must contain 2 (two) sentences -You must provide some detail of your new year's resolutions You are more than welcomed to do both events if you do so choose. This event will be closing on January 3rd at 12 AM (Midnight) Eastern Time. A beautiful badge will be handed out as soon as possible after the event. We hope that you all enjoy the holidays and we hope that you all have a wonderful new year as well. Happy Holidays!