After a longer-than-it-should-feel train ride from the Crystal Empire, Gearspark, Rover Wonder , and Quarry Cut finally arrive back in Canterlot Station, all three of them still sporting bruises and b... View More
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Quarry Cut
Quarry nodded and followed behind Gearspark keeping a watchful eye on the immediate area. He seemed to be keeping up fairly well despite the heavy dressing on his foreleg. "Hmm..It would be wise to keep vigil. We must not become complacent even here." He suddenly brought his hoof down hard and huffe... View More
December 30, 2019

"Indeed, Trish... In fact I have at least one alternative." Gear rubs his hooves together in anticipation. "But as that requires a trip to Tarterus' Ice layer- if it has one- I'll save the thought for a rainy day... Or well- snowy." He smirks, retiring from his conversation to head for the door. "I'... View More
February 2, 2020

Rover Wonder
Rover would think a bit and say. "If the crystal growing fails, I could always volunteer to... Well.." He hesitated. "Nah, let's hope it doesn't get there. Anyway, I'll get to just keeping watch on this thing or... is it really completely, fully safe there?" He asked Trish. "If it is I'll go to my q... View More
February 3, 2020

Quarry Cut
Quarry looked to his two companions and then to Trish. "I do not typically dwell in one place, as such I do not poses a place residence. I would prefer to remain close to the crystal if at all possible."
February 4, 2020

January 16, 2020

February 2, 2020
A Royal Smith finds his house invaded with cuddly creatures-does this bed of roses have hidden thorns?
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Two wanderers go in search of a missing family, with darker secrets to await! Stay tuned for more...
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Two dapper gentlemen have joined the order, both out for blood of different kinds-who are they and what can they do? Find out more!
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Persona joins the villains, reveals her odd powers, and warnings of a possible dire fate for the planet: have a look now as this thread wraps up!
https://canterlotavenue.com/Percy/?status-id=58786#js... View More
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