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Commander Nightfall

Male. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on June 6, 1990
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
Flexible, mostly Royal Brothers AU, though.
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User Achievements
The Castle
172 Members
Lord Somber
This seemed to happen after the decree of the Prince towards Barrett Broker and his Noble house. Kirra had left the throne room with the files on the Broker family that were given to her. She was ho... View More
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Commander Nightfall
It took a few minutes, presumably Nightfall was wrapping up some things, before he joined Kirra in the hallways. He was silent for a moment before he looked to her, seeming to take a glance behind them to make sure no one was within earshot. "I'm kind of jealous~ You get to go hunting. And on your ... View More
Like July 19, 2020
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Lord Somber
"I'm sure Prince Artemis has thought things over as carefully as he can see things. After all, the stakes are higher for him more then ever. No Older Brother to fall back on. He's on his own, with a family of his own to represent. With all these things, I'm sure Artemis is taking things into conside... View More
Like July 21, 2020
Commander Nightfall
Nightfall nodded slightly as he listened to Kirra talk. she had a point about Artemis having a family to care for this time and no fallback to Solaris should things take a turn for the worse. When she brought up the sudden mood change, he went into thinking. It was a rather sudden change. "Hmmm.. I'... View More
Like July 21, 2020
Lord Somber
Kirra seemed to stop in her tracks as she seemed to stare at the floor in thought, almost seeming to figure out her words. "Father has never been an easy stallion to understand..." Father? That's how you knew she was about to be serious with her next few words. "Artemis has never claimed to be nor w... View More
Like July 21, 2020
Commander Nightfall
Figured I'd at least post the WIP of his character reference, so people have something to refer to if need be in the meanwhile. Lol
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Carmen Gumshoe
i love him
Like March 26, 2020
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Carmen Gumshoe
yes, he forgives semi-easily wAIT THAT WAS BETSY???
Like March 26, 2020
Commander Nightfall
The world may never know~
Like March 26, 2020
Carmen Gumshoe
Like March 26, 2020
Chiller Sway
Toll boi
Like March 26, 2020
Commander Nightfall
I'd say the tollest boi, but uh.. *glances at Sol*
Like March 26, 2020
Hymn likes him. He shared his hamburger with her.
Like March 26, 2020
Commander Nightfall
Hymn likes everyone, though. Until they do something to make her not like them, anyways.
Like March 26, 2020
Of course, but she likes him especially.
Like March 26, 2020
Commander Nightfall
Nightfall would look up from his midnight snack; an actual hamburger. "What?" he noticed the odd look you were giving him.
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Phalanx wondered. He wondered if being a changeling meant eating anything would be considered cannibalism.
Like March 25, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"... Probably," Nightfall says with a shrug. He wasn't sure what the changling was thinking, but it felt like an appropriate answer.
Like March 25, 2020
Kaldra Versvesh
The fox would be sitting before him, her chops partly opened with tongue licking sharp fangs as she drooled. Golden eyes deadpan staring at the burger that he was eating.
Like March 25, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"... You get the last few bites, little one," Nightfall says after a moment. He didn't want to share, but how could he say no to a face like that, despite how.. unique it was for a fox.
Like March 25, 2020
Kaldra Versvesh
Kammy pouted at the stallion with a begging expression as she watched him continue to eat the burger. Letting out a whine as she paws at his leg.
Like March 25, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"Keep begging and you won't get any," he states between bites. The hamburger was already have gone.
Like March 25, 2020
Sir Heliolite
"Be careful with meat, you may give yourself a upset stomach... i made that mistake when i was younger, but i guess its better to learn from your mistakes"
Like March 27, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"I think you mistake me for a fruit batpone, in which you are only half right," he simply said between bites.
Like March 27, 2020
Sir Heliolite
"No i mistake you for a Herbivore... like the rest of the equine race..."
Like March 27, 2020
Polo Fastter
"who are you eating?" polo said backing up slowly
Like March 27, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"... The last pony that assumed I was eating someone," he says as stares Polo in the eyes, slowly taking his next bite.
Like March 27, 2020
Polo Fastter
"you bit them?" polo asked as he sat down in a chair.
Like March 27, 2020
Commander Nightfall
An imp, complying with the wishes of master, Drago, suddenly appeared before the main gate to his castle. He quirked an eyebrow, seeing parts of the castle being almost completely destroyed. Whatever ... View More
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Snowy Do
Snowy seemed alright, he hardly left the safety of his room unless if he had to or when he was hanging around Persona, but he certainly heard all of the commotion early… it sounded like the entire castle was getting ripped apart and he was out of his room trying to figure out what it was.
Like January 2, 2020
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Snowy Do
It wasn't much further now, he had finally gotten his bearings after taking a couple of wrong turns... Nevertheless as they were getting closer he could feel that wet spot on his neck... strange. "Lass?" He whispered of course just in case if she was asleep. "You alright up there?"
Like January 15, 2020
Commander Nightfall
"That's yet to be determined. For now, though, I think it's best if we work in tandem to repair what we can of the castle before Master Drago's return," the imp suggests before letting Dendy free of whatever power he was using over her, "Or have you gone so far into the deep end that you no longer c... View More
Like January 18, 2020
"He's all I care about, not that YOU'D understand, HIRED HELP." she hisses. "The castle can stay as it is for all I care, when he gets back, he can blame Rainbow Brat for the mess, it's what we get for trusting someone that isn't one of us! We don't NEED anyone else! I'm the ONLY servant he needs an... View More
Like January 18, 2020
Things are not going well right now for him. Some demons offer boons to their hosts, in the form of regeneration, enchanced physical traits, even immortality in some cases. However, Agni is NOT a demo... View More
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Commander Nightfall
Drago let out a sigh as he descended the stairs to the dungeon below the castle. They, well Percy and Dendy, had captured themselves a bit of a hostage. Just thinking that word made Drago groan in det... View More
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((Sub sub
Like October 19, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
with honey mustard and lettuce
Like October 19, 2019
fucc I need to subscrizzle I keep forgetting this thread
Like November 18, 2019
Commander Nightfall
Wow. Ro0d. >:V Jk, luv you~
Like November 18, 2019
Snowy Do
Snowy seemed to be asleep when Drago came down to see how he was doing... He could be better, but he was still alive and breathing so that was a plus for some and a minus for others. Nevertheless, he looked over at Drago. "Ah... I was wondering when you would pay me a visit..." Snowy got up and went... View More
Like October 19, 2019
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Commander Nightfall
"Sir?" Drago quirked a brow at that. "Percy, sweetie.. You needn't be so formal with me. I know things are still a little.. tender.. after what happened when you two took off, but this is still your home, Percy," he says, trying to comfort Percy before gently rubbing Dendy's head.
Like November 18, 2019
Honestly, she's glad to hear that, she wasn't too sure honestly. Drago did strike her as the type to anger quickly if she stepped out of line...or perhaps it was his entire intensity of character...?
Like November 20, 2019
"SoooooooOOOOOoOooooo is this a bad time to tell you that Bel went haring off towards Ponyville by the by? We told him not toooooo~" she says with a little cringe. "He said something about one-upping us."
Like November 20, 2019
Commander Nightfall
// This thread will be for the tour. The imp walked along fairly.. gracefully. It seemed to have a bit of class to it as it walked forward. "So.." it began, its voice thick like oil, "You're the catch the young mistresses brought home."
Like November 8, 2019
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Snowy Do
Who knew how long Snowy would last for only time would answer that question. As the imp held the door open for him and he saw the kitchen? "Called it, I knew it would be close by." He said as he went inside and started to have a look around. "Gotta say it's a nice kitchen well equipped too. I'm sure... View More
Like November 18, 2019
Commander Nightfall
The imp would follow Snowy in, giving him a moment to look around. When he reached the center, he stopped and started pointing to doors to the left and right, "To the right, is a doorway out into the hallway that connects all the wings in this floor. To the left is the stairs that lead to the upper ... View More
Like November 18, 2019
Snowy Do
At least Snowy managed to have a quick look around in the kitchen surely he would be able to work at the rest of it later. Something was telling him he would be cooking later for everyone. Nevertheless, he continued on following the Imp.
Like November 18, 2019
She's a vampire. She knows she's a vampire. She knows that flesh wounds, any of them short of fatal, won't end her, and that they'll heal fairly fast. However, the most she's ever been injured is a s... View More
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Belisarius shoves open the door to 's domicile with the air of a pony who runs the place, huffing as he has to push the heavy, huge slabs open, which close in behind him. He's hones... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bowed* I hope you enjoy your time here.
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