Recent events have inspired me to say this;
If anyone is having a hard time, doesn't matter what it's for, my PMs, discord or anything else is open to talk. I may seem like a hardass at times, but it... View More
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Anzo meep
I'm not good. Severe depression makes a lot of questions pop up in my head. I cry and sleep a lot and dont feel socialize. But I talk with the people on the hospital. That my grown will to die is worrying people. I don't see why it is. But I guess is all I have to say.
June 26, 2020

Darren Cuffs
Well hey, I've had to fight times of depression also. Go ahead and get ahold of me on discord or PMs at anytime. I'll provide whatever help I can give.
June 26, 2020

Anzo meep
I'm good as I say I'm and out door patient of the hospital and are in a very deep place at the moment. I just wanted to add my mind place maybe it makes it easier for other to do hte same.
June 27, 2020