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Name: [s]Spinneret[/s] Sprouting Bulb Age: [s]23[/s] [s]wait no this one's fine[/s] 23 Race: [s]Changeling[/s] Pegasus Gender: Female Looking for: [s]my next meal >:3[/s] cool creatures to hang out wi... View More
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Name: Proxilia Ramirez Age: 35 Race: Changeling Gender: Female Looking for: Getting the grind on with the homies💰💸💪
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Creamy Eclair
Name: Creamy Eclair Age: 24 Race: Bat pony Gender: Female looking for: Homeies to rp with
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Name: Serendibite Age: 2,500 Race: Dragonpony Gender: Female Interests: Finding homies... View More
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Please delete my account, Cool thanks!
Am Homie!
Like September 15, 2022
Hey homie
Like September 15, 2022
Ika Musume (Fl0)
Name: I go by several LOL Age: 18 Race: Pony... View More
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Name: Gen Age: 1,000,200 Race: Devil Gender: Female looking for: mare who can gives me warm home.
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Knight Wolf
Knight looks at her, he tilts his head, "If you're a devil.. wasnt hell warm enough?" he asks
Like November 3, 2021
Bright Brave
Like November 3, 2021
"not as warm as lips" She joked at his funny question. "joke aside, I am homeless"
Like November 3, 2021
Knight Wolf
He looked stunned at how forward she was, "Well i cant offer you my lips just yet but I may be able to help with the home problem," he says
Like November 4, 2021
"You are not gonna eat me are you? big bad wolf" Once again she joked at him. still she is looking forward to have home.
Like November 4, 2021
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Knight Wolf
Knight was a large wolf, he is three times taller than normal stallions so he easily carried her, "Please hold on tight, I wouldnt want you falling," he says as he takes off into the sky, almost immediately they are above the clouds
Like November 7, 2021
"I have question. since when WOLF can fly? are you related to chicken by any chance?" She joked. (wanna continue in PM?)
Like November 7, 2021
Knight Wolf
"I was born half wolf half pony, a pegasus to be precise, but as I grew most of my pony traits dissappeared and only my wings remained," he says (sure)
Like November 7, 2021
Yami Crosshide
....for someone so young...why do you need somewhere warm
Like November 5, 2021
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our age is nothing similar to your age. its rare to have elder devil.we grow up but our bodies stay young. I feel like 18 years old. and don't feel bad, being old does not mean bad. you see, getting old is adventure, not problem.
Like November 7, 2021
Yami Crosshide
whatever you say
Like November 7, 2021 Edited
oy. don't be grampy. you can't help getting older but you don't have to get old.
Like November 8, 2021
Moonlight Sniper
Name: Moonlight Sniper. Age: 18. Race: Earth Pony. Gender: Male. Interests: Music.... View More
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Carmen Gumshoe
the homie machine broke :(
Like October 31, 2021
Moonlight Sniper
Not the homie machine!!! :(
Like October 31, 2021
Cheddar Cheese
I'll be your homie, since you like cheese sandwiches.
Like October 31, 2021 Edited
Moonlight Sniper
Thank you.
Like October 31, 2021
Name: Nymphamos Age: ?? Race: Changeling Gender: Male Likes: Silliness, romance, long walks on the beach, string cheese... View More
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Carmen Gumshoe
Like July 31, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
homie why is bart encased in concrete
Like July 31, 2021
Adrien Agreste
another bug horse-?
Like August 5, 2021
Yes! The buggiest bug horse.~
Like August 5, 2021
Adrien Agreste
Like August 5, 2021
Name: Mocha Age: 23 Race: Unicorn Gender: Male Likes: One-Liners, Action, Toys, Pop Music, Playing, Swords, Eating, Sports, Playgrounds... View More
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Carmen Gumshoe
i just want to meet a homie, please. if i don’t have a homie, i might actually die just a homie to kith goodnight and maybe sometimes play games with. i’m player 1 tho, you can’t. no homies are aro... View More
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Black Parade
i’ll tuck you into bed and kiss your cheek. as homies obviously.
Like October 30, 2020
you've got a friend in me 🎶
Like July 5, 2021
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lets play Homie!!
Like July 6, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
we’re homies now, hi homie :)
Like July 6, 2021
yes we are! <3 hi homie! ^^
Like July 6, 2021
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Like July 5, 2021
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Carmen Gumshoe
the hierarchy goes: besties <- you are here friends pals... View More
Like July 5, 2021 Edited
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Wait, where are the homies???
Like July 5, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
i fixed it, don't talk to me
Like July 5, 2021
Yami Crosshide
Like July 6, 2021
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