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I am a 18 year old male pony with lots of love for honey!! i adore all things animal, and im so happy to be here!
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Nitroxus Soulspins HoneyButter
*Nitroxus spun his tail like it was a propeller and floated over the pony. He landed on the ground by the pony with a smile. He soon passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus walked inside of a giant tire toward the pony. He soon smiled to them as he stopped. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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“Yknow, I love strawberries. I make this divine strawberry and honey glaze. But i despise pears. Pears are the BANE of my existence. They make me sick.” Honey says with a thump of his hoof. “But enoug... View More
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Sunny couldn't help but perk up, taking notes of what the potential market out there would demand of his baking skills. Overhearing the question, he pretended to have just rounded the corner. "Oh who, me? Uhh... well I had a tropical fruit once called a lychee... that was something! As far as least ... View More
Sunny admires the recipe, and crinkles his nose at some of the details "Three-hundred-and-fifty degrees huh?" he muttered but shook his head. "This looks like it will make lovely scones! Thank you for sharing it with me." he swooned, plucking a bible out of his pic-nic basket to stash the recipe in.... View More
April 23, 2021
“My Nanas recipe. She was quite the lady.” He says, and nods and Sunnys other comment. “Yep! Home sweet home. Beautiful!” He smiles, and stands up. “My bees never felt more content than at Appaloosa.” He says with a nod, and a grin. “Course, its nice to stretch my legs every so often. Country’s beau... View More
April 23, 2021
"I'll be sure to keep it safe, and hopefully cheer some ponies up with some warm scones just like your Nana made!" Sunny proclaimed warmly. "City life sure is exciting, but I don't know if I could live in one... might have to get used to it if that's the only place that has work and a place to..." h... View More
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Hello! Honey is finally back. He missed this website!! Hello honey!!
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Honey butter pulled an all nighter. after all, early bee gets the honey !
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He shrugs and simply gives the lamp to Honey. "Um, Moth would like a scone... He hasn't eaten yet."
Honey smiles happily and pulls a scone from his bag, handing it to the Moth. “Here you go!”
May 25, 2020
His antennae perked straight up, his smaller pair of forelegs on his chest grasping the scone. "Thank you~!"
May 25, 2020
Honey butter wishes everyone a good night! no, he's not going to bed, he just wants everyone to have a good night.
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gay ponies r thriving rn
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Honey wants to know. What’s your favorite flower?
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