Hello hello! I can take a couple of requests. DM me if anypony is interested!
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I have been busy with life lately. These are just some of the OCs I got requested over time and I barely found any time to show them off here. I hope you all enjoy.
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Please excuse my absence from this site. Life has been throwing things at me like you wouldn't believe and I wasn't able to get to any of the requests i have received months ago. I know this is an exc... View More
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I am currently open to requests as of now.
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So many requests already. Hehe. I will need to make a schedule.
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Stardusk Strider First Project finished!
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Thanks for the invite. I wouldn't mind something drawn if you are free. If not then it's fine. :p I don't have a ref if that is a need for you but I do have an idea.
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He is not very tall but he is Bipedal (On two legs.) He has a brown cloak and mask. The mask is white with sad eyes but a toothy grin. The eyes of the mask glow a soft green. The most difficult part (Which you can just make hooves if need be.) He has almost human-like hands and feet but with sharp c... View More
December 13, 2017
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