
What do you think of Sirens, Princess? *the siren mare asks, her ears folding back a little and a nervous smile on her lips*
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Why isnt it "Ask The Purple Fatass?"
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Would you like a jellybaby?
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"Right so, out of the entire mane six, who's the thickest in your opinion?"
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Applejack is the fittest thick. Pinkie Pie has fatter thighs, but it's rather from pies than working out.
January 14, 2018
To be honest, it is a matter of the mood. It's either that I want soft or rough. But I think it's rather AJ.
Applejack senses tingling, :eyes: everywhere. "Ponko's cute as well."
January 14, 2018
"Can we go on a date together!?" >//w//<
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"Wanna go do magic? I'll pick you up at midnight."
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Midnight is too late, Celestia won't let me go. Half past nine is beddie time for me.
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