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Green Leaf

Male. Lives in Ponyville,  Ponyville,  Equestria. 28 years old
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Leaf is a mirror of my personality; silly, sweet, funny and honest. Expect grand adventures and general goofiness when talking with him.
Roleplay Universe
Technologically Advanced Equestria
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Entertainment » Fictional Character
Local Business or Place » Community/Government
Company, Organization, or Institution
Company, Organization, or Institution » Computers/Technology
Brand or Product » Food/Beverages
21 Members
Ponies of Legends of Equestria
33 Members
Anti-bully rangers
82 Members
Ponysquare Refugees
442 Members
Green Leaf
Well, I'm back again.
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Welcome back!
Like November 28, 2023
Green Leaf
Like November 28, 2023
I have no idea who you are but we could use some more greenery in the scenery 😎
Like November 28, 2023
Green Leaf
That was actually really clever.
Like November 28, 2023
One cannot be clever if they had gone to the black market to sell their liver☕🗿 Like a sun in the sky, and the grass on the ground. You are green, that is true, a color that could be of much use.
Like November 28, 2023
Green Leaf
The green is back, this is a fact. Is the changeling trying for a friendship attack?
Like November 28, 2023
Maybe so, but who knows? I'm hungry right now, and I for sure could go for some Burger King number 4🤤
Like November 28, 2023
Green Leaf
So it dawned on me earlier today. The Sonic movie was a hit that has a sequel I'm the works. There's been a Mario movie announced. And Smash Bros. just got it's last fighter introduced. ... View More
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Bright Brave
👁👁 This would be bad. And good.
Like October 5, 2021
Fruit Face
Jared leto Link and Alec Baldwin Ganon lesgo. A youtube shoe-in as Zelda and Betty White for Mipha
Like October 6, 2021
Green Leaf
Leaf rolls a D20. It lands on an 8. He jumps aside to narrowly avoid being crushed by a giant loaf of bread. "What a weird die."
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Polo Fastter
polo throws a piece of cheese at him
Like June 24, 2021
Green Leaf
Leaf also manages to dodge the cheese. He's had plenty of practice against such a thing.
Like June 24, 2021
Green Leaf
Leaf emerged from the castle, his hair wild and matted and looking like he'd been awake for several days. As he looked around outside, he said, "I really need to get out more." He then shook his head ... View More
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velvet estelle blood velvet (smol ling filly}
i messaged you on discord
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velvet estelle blood velvet (smol ling filly}
**the light blue unicorn mare with bug wings gently walked into the town looking around as she was lost she was lost and confused as she was new to this world she started to head for the town center s... View More
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Green Leaf
"And I have made another rotation around the sun once more. Still busy defending the multiverse and inventing zany devices."
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bounced out a trampoline and looked to the green alicorn and smiled. He walked over to them and placed his hoof out.* Hey there Green Leaf, how you been?
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Green Leaf
"Oh it's nothing to worry about, nope, certainly not." He chuckled and looked from side to side.
Like April 1, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
So what now Green?
Like April 1, 2020
Green Leaf
"Well...either I go back to doing something mundane, or..." He looked around from side to side and then leaned in towards Nitroxus and spoke in a whisper, "We could go on a super fun multiversal adventure." He quickly moved back to his original position and looked around again.
Like April 4, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
I get the feeling that I should bonk you on the head with a shield, but I'm fighting that feeling because I want to hear more about this adventure that you propose.
Like April 4, 2020
Green Leaf
"Still a few hours to go before it's New Years....aren't we supposed to smooch someone or something when it hits midnight? I wonder if I can still find somepony for that." He pondered this dilemma.
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Bright Brave
You could have a bear hug.
Like December 31, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Dream puts you up with
Like December 31, 2019
Green Leaf
"Well at least it's a start."
Like December 31, 2019
Bright Brave
Like December 31, 2019
Green Leaf
Leaf mod got a Switch and Pokemon Sword. He wants to be friends with peeps. His code is SW-2451-6461-2534
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