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Autumn Night

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on September 23, 1998
Bat Pony / Thestral
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Huh? What about me, Punk?
Roleplay Universe
Any and All.
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus aimed a cannon toward the pony and fired himself to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on a magical carpet and flew to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Autumn Night
After a long undisturbed year of hibernation in the deepest pits of hades, Autumn has returned once more to deprive the world of peace. No mortal will be spared from being inconvenienced as she begins... View More
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But I love autumn...
Like August 28, 2022
Autumn Night
Autumn paused her crusade to ponder over the question of what Love really is, and if she's worthy of redemption and capable of change. While she does her thinking, she cleans out Elysia's fridge and leaves all of her dirty dishes at the kitchen table.
Like August 28, 2022
"Oh, it must be Saturday already." She puts on her shades to prepare for a night out on the town.
Like August 28, 2022
Captain Sky N Nova
Seeing his chance to strike Sky pounces on the unsuspecting bat and lets own an earth shattering EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Like August 28, 2022 Edited
Autumn Night
Autumn pulls out her screech repellant and sprays a wave of mist at Sky's mouth.
Like August 28, 2022
Captain Sky N Nova
Sky bites!
Like August 28, 2022
Shifter Burnside
I’m not flesh and bone, I’m metal and rubber.
Like August 29, 2022
Shifter Burnside
*smashes her wall by driving through it*
Like August 30, 2022
Autumn Night
"STOP RIGHT THERE! This is a toll road, to pass you must pay the fine or turn around! Submit one smooch if you wish to proceed. Anyone refusing to pay and attempting to continue on will be in violatio... View More
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Lord Somber
"......." The Prince seemed to be a bit speechless. Not because of what the Toll was, but because of the fact that he was being tolled. He wasn't informed of a toll until now, and usually he keeps track of these things. "Um....why smooches?" Indeed..why?
Like November 24, 2020
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Autumn Night
Autumn gasped and smiled! She was going to get a smooch from a prince! This was a rare treat- or toll! Though, right before the payment could be delivered, the Prince stopped and Autumn went wide eyed! "You don't!?" She asked, her voice squeaking in surprise. Gulping in fear, the bat tried to hid he... View More
Like November 24, 2020 Edited
Lord Somber
".....I see...." It was fully clear that this mare was up to no good. Fool the Prince once? Shame on you. Fool him twice? Slight shame on him. Solaris wouldn't have made such an order because Solaris was unable to at the moment. But of course, this mare didn't know that. Artemis didn't seem to get a... View More
Like November 24, 2020
Autumn Night
Autumn let out a sigh, seeming in the clear, only to gasp happily as she got a smooch! Her gladden state was quickly cut short by the Prince's words, making her gulp in shock and listen to the rest of his words in worry. A smile would lighten up her face as the Prince finished, and the bat laughed s... View More
Like November 24, 2020
Nompha stood there, wondering why the mare was holding a toll on a game trail in the Everfree. She raised a brow, before slowly speaking. “Ok....? Which one?” That’s an... odd question.
Like November 24, 2020
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She shakes her head, chuckling. “Nah, I’m a neckmouth. We’re pretty rare I think. But you ain’t answered my question yet. Which one? Neck or regular?”
Like November 24, 2020
Autumn Night
"Uhhhhh............." Autumn glanced between the neck, and mouth. Neck, and then mouth. Neck once again, mouth once more. "Mouth? That's more normal for me."
Like November 24, 2020
“That’s valid.” She closes her.... neck I guess, before leaning in and giving a light smooch on the cheek.
Like November 24, 2020
Kadai Montanya
Kadai observed the smooches happening before approaching the fire bat. "That desperate for a smooch, Autumn? And here I thought you had some bit of class," he taunts with a coy smirk.
Like November 24, 2020
Autumn Night
Autumn smirked at Kadai, leaning up on her booth as she stared the bat down. "Desperate? Hmph! I'm just doing my civil duty." The mare explains with a wink of fiery eyes. "Maybe you should do yours and give me a smooch~!"
Like November 24, 2020
Kadai Montanya
"Just a smooch hm? Strictly platonic. Hmpf, I know you want to homewreck my marriage, but.. very well." Kadai leaned close, the thestral seemingly moving to give her cheek a peck. He was barely a breath's width away when he pulled back, kissed his hoof, then touched her cheek. "There!"
Like November 24, 2020
The ghostling would sigh before sliding his scarf down a little to speak a little less muffled "Look i was trying to chase after a Stallion that is part of a Gang who make's Medicine that 's expensive and targeted to foal's and colt's and what's worse is that it doesn't even work, But if that what i... View More
Like November 24, 2020
Silver Shield
You think you can just boop me and get away with it?!
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Autumn Night
Autumn boops.
Like October 7, 2020
Silver Shield
"Nnnnnnggggggh!" But she gets away with it.
Like October 7, 2020
Autumn Night
Autumn twirls her totally real and evil mustache!
Like October 7, 2020
Silver Shield
Silver makes angry gestures vowing he would have his revenge!
Like October 8, 2020
Autumn Night
Attention! If you are reading this post, then I'm here to inform you that... You're a cutie ;)
10 people like this.
D'awwww, you're a cutie too ^^
Like October 4, 2020
Autumn Night
No u :P
Like October 4, 2020
Like November 26, 2020
Autumn Night
<3 <3
Like November 26, 2020
Eightbit (changeling #33147)
Like November 26, 2020
Like November 26, 2020
Autumn Night
Attention everyone. Post your best jokes in the comments so I can shamelessly steal them. Please and thank you ;)
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
My brother just admitted that he broke my favourite lamp, I'm not sure I'll be able look at him in the same light ever again.
Like July 25, 2020
Seren gives Autumn a mirror, “Here you go,”
Like July 25, 2020
You should never tell anyone their average It's MEAN!!
Like July 25, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
I'd say you're an average level smasher with average level taunts.
Like July 25, 2020 Edited
1v1 me in net play today. I'm gonna stream you getting your ass beat
Like July 25, 2020
Ephemeria Spring
tried to come up with a joke over illiteracy but its a little short in words :c
Like July 25, 2020
Autumn Night
-.-- --- ..- / -... .. --. / --. .- -.--
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Thunder Riff
I don't speak semicolon
Like April 17, 2020
Alexander 'Crow' Kingston
Minecraft enchantment table
Like April 18, 2020
Cally Ber
.. .----. -- / -... .-.. .. -. -.. / .-- .... .- - / -.. --- . ... / .. - / ... .- -.--
Like April 18, 2020
Autumn Night
you big gay
Like April 18, 2020
Cally Ber
o ty
Like April 18, 2020
Deactive user
-... .. --. / -.-. .... ..- -. --. ..- ...
Like April 20, 2020
Autumn Night
-.-- --- ..- / .--. --- ... - . -.. / .. -. / - .... . / .-. .. --. .... - / -. . .. --. .... -... --- .-. .... --- --- -..
Like April 20, 2020
Deactive user
-.-- --- ..- / .--. --- ... - . -.. / .. -. / - .... . / .-. .. --. .... - / -. . .. --. .... -... --- .-. .... --- --- -..
Like April 20, 2020
Autumn Night
"Can I get one UHHHHHHH BONELESS pizza, with pineapples on top and HOLD THE BREAD."
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Whisper fails to debone the pizza
Like March 2, 2020
Autumn Night
"You had one job.. ONE JOB.." Autumn gnaws through the bones.
Like March 2, 2020
"AHM sowwwwyyyy" the phone rings, she picks it up and is yelled at from the pony who wanted their pizza with EXTRA bone
Like March 2, 2020
Vy Thresh
Here's your container of pineapple. Would you like some parm and pep with that?
Like March 3, 2020
Baron Redpath
Da faq
Like March 3, 2020
Autumn Night
If you read this post, you're smelly.
6 people like this.
Lula Vieve
Like November 26, 2019
I reek of success
Like November 26, 2019
No u
Like October 31, 2020
The scariest halloween comeback
Like November 1, 2020
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