
p R O R O
What is this candy land?
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p R O R O
OI Bet!
CAN we help build IT together?!
January 4, 2018

Whisper aproves
January 4, 2018

p R O R O
So do I. just look at that perfect topping!. The floating bag doesn't even compare to this

January 4, 2018

Honor Scroll
*le Gasp* SOME PONIES JUST TURNED THE Element of Loyalty into candy are building a island with her body!! XP
January 4, 2018

p R O R O
I didn't MEAN IT LIKE THAT,I'm sure she won't MIND BEING A CAKE. Who doesn't LIKE cake?!
January 4, 2018
I shall devour all of you
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sure I'll eat your mane Dashie xD
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"How does one become a skittle, is there a skittle instruction book around here or something?" Saphira pondered. "Does being a skittle mean I qualify for free Dashie hugs?"
4 people like this.
With a moments of thinking she unfolded her wings and slowely sat behind the Rainbow Pone, curiously gazing over at the others.
December 6, 2017
"She is like this..Around many all at once,Plus it is getting pretty late." Rainbow chuckled some. "I know you guys wouldn't mean any harm."
December 6, 2017
*currently tempted to post cannibal corpse lyrics and replace all the blood and gore to skittles*
1 person liked this.
Dear to Every Skittle. NEver let any tell U what you can or cannot embrace If it just isn't you. Any Skittle has it's brand of colors to choose from. Always appreciated to know we are free. And free t... View More
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She takes the offer by her friend gracefully. Trying to be on her own best polite way of doing so. "Well,Again..I can't really thank you enough,But-.." The mare raised a brow.,Pausing for a sec. "..I weren't gonna really ask..Though now I can't be sure if I'm really yet curious or too scared to know... View More
December 6, 2017
Ha,Believe..Me,I'm aware & with you on that one! -Someponies need their space.. o3o
I don't think we should worry too much about that..Or imagine...It.That's Spoooky!
December 6, 2017
"to skittle, or not to skittle....that is the question"
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So I hear ya got skittlepox
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With trying to contain her laughter,The Rainbow mare placed a hoof over her muzzle. "H-Haheh.." She tried her best not to shed a tear. Y'know...For one thing you should really be thankful it's only that,I just really needed for these to be tested out too.." She then held up a water glass in her seco... View More
December 6, 2017
"Whoa..Serious? Might..need to put these ones away then..Probably for sometime later.." She sheepishly grinned. Clearing her throat. "Ahem..Still cool to see ya hanging in there still though!"
December 6, 2017
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