Prohibited, forgotten to time, volatile, dangerous, life-threatening, this are but a few warnings when dealing with this type of magic, the mother of all curses, corruptions, obscure summonings, all of them comes from one principle, to harm or inflict several damage.
Warlocks, Witches, Voodoo practitioners, all of them possess an array of knowledge and many of them have paid the ultimate price to obtain such strength, a life or a chunk of their own, or countless lives from different sources....
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Although, the curse has been discovered under unfortunate circumstances and only a selected few are afflicted by it.
A well renowned group of Explorers, discovered an old serpentine looking temple, in one of their expeditions, and unknowingly for them, or despite the warnings outside the building, they all decided to enter it's putrid cursed walls without any type of preparation, underestimating the power of the dormant creature awaiting tor them inside.
A giant serpent-like creature, cursed...
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Lycanthropy has been long ago, bound by the god of death and life Anubis, a tall man or woman with the head of a canine with unknown origin.
Although the curse is well known to bring forth the feralish sides of every afflicted, Anubis never sees their magic as something harmful but something not to be trifled with.
It's said as well, Anubis knew the goddess of the Moon (The perpetrator of the Sanguine) An ancient tablet found in one of the hidden Anubis chambers, donated by the Vezpyre famil...
The curse of the Sanguine, it's a well knowing affliction, and one of the most ancestral in Egyptian lore.
A curse laid down by an old goddess to one of his betraying followers, cursing their mere existence by a severe thirst for blood.
With the populous growing weary and afraid every year, their constant attacks created a taste of vengeance in the people, devoting themselves to learn about their weaknesses and eventually, training to fend for themselves against the Sanguine tyranny. They c...