*After finishing his first entry the Archivist begins to write the second and most latest entry to the tale*
As mentioned in my last entry the city and the country have been concealed and hidden for hundreds of years because our prince sought to protect us from what Equestria had become and his concerns were vindicated after many generations Equestria became what it was all those eons ago during the time of the founder prince Ragvar Coltenheim. A time where unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies ...
*The royal archivist of New Coltenheim is up late now writing two entries to chronicle one detailing the events after twilights passing and how New Coltenheim whether the ages despite being hidden for so long until magic returned he takes the quill and begins to write*
Fortune has favored us with a prince that has ruled longer than his forefathers and it is good that this is so and many are grateful that he did not become like his father Solaris the Vengeful after many years in exile and gath...
Fortune Smiled on the 3rd prince for his life was not as abrupt as his fathers he was born during Coltenheim's golden age where the rule of Zane Nighthooves was long and fruitful. Such as the renegotiation of the norths Autonomy and managed to make the city and its lands into sovereign territory that still answered to Celestia and Luna and the restoration of the north and the integration of dragons and griffins into the fold. Prince Solaris 3rd to the throne not only had caring parents like his ...
The second Coltenheim prince Zane Nighthooves son of the first prince Coltenheim was born sometime before discord rose to power the years of his youth were enjoyable spending time with his parents and them raising him as best as they could. Especially prince Coltenheim himself teaching his son the responsibility and weight of being a good leader and the consequences of those actions. Coltenheim didn't want his son to worry about his unsteady relationship with Celestia and Luna after the first no...
After princess platinum, commander hurricane, and chancelor pudding lead there subjects out of the frozen north there were some who stayed behind that clinged to hope that the windigos would disapear but it took longer then they thought crops died and ponies died left and right meanwhile a alicorn warrior with a blond mane and tail and coat returned from gathering food in the wilderness and he was the exact height as any normal pony his name was Ragvar coltenheim while the ponies of the village ...