Operation: Final Battle 7; Glitched MessOF
Operation: Final Battle 7; Glitched Mess
(I'm just gonna do a bit of a time skip to near the end, where the titular Final Battle takes place. It's long overdue lol)
*Stickman would step into the throne room of GLITCH. There he sat, with thu... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
You took everything from me. You took my family, you took my friends... you took my life. *I spin my sword and swipe it.*
(GLITCH) Now you know how I feel, Stickman. It was because of you that I ended up like this.
(GLITCH) Really. Are you so damn blind to your ego that you can't recogni... View More
February 6, 2023

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
But this is how you want to be remembered? As someone who actually caused the genocide of an entire timeline?! All you've done was basically erase one timeline!
(GLITCH) I didn't erase your prime timeline. I only threw you into one where you were forgotten.
(GL... View More
February 6, 2023
*After departing from the Badlands, the group would catch a train going to the changeling kingdom, as that was their next destination. It was going to be a long trip, so they... View More
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*I would hug Jewel as we settled in.* S-sorry. You just remind me a lot of my sister back in my own timeline.
January 15, 2023
The best sister I could ever ask for. She would smile a lot, help her own family out when her husband was sick... and man... she just cares about everyone. Much like I do. *I would take off my shades as I would start to cry. I would look out the window and see an aurora.* Man... she would always lov... View More
January 15, 2023
She sounds like everything anyone could really ask for. *She would smile.* I'm sure you'll see her again, Stickman.
January 15, 2023
*More tears start streaming from my face.* I already have. *I would hug her tight. She would be surprised at first, then hug me back. We fall asleep. The next morning, we would arrive at the changeling kingdom.*
January 15, 2023
So, seeing as I haven't really gotten around to doing the big titular battle yet (will get to it!) I have extended this big event to February. While today is indeed the 10th anniversary of Operation: ... View More
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*As the four approached the dragon lands, they would notice a lot of dragons centralizing on an area. The group decided to follow them.*
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Wonder where they're going.
(Skye) Wherever it is, it must be of importance.
January 2, 2023
Are you sure you want to do this? There's uhh... lava there.
January 3, 2023
If i'm going to get back to my own timeline, I must do this. I want to see my friends and family again. *I would grip the dragon i'm riding on tight.* I gotta do this. For my friends and family.
January 3, 2023
*I would make my way through the dragon gauntlet and successfully make it to the end.* I... I made it! Yahoo! Alright! *I would jump for joy. Ember would come down to greet me.*
(Ember) I've never seen a pony quite like you, stranger. Maybe you do have what it takes to take on GLITCH. Here, I'll giv... View More
*Meanwhile, back at GLITCH's Castle atop Canterlot, GLITCH would tap his talons.*
(GLITCH) Hmph. So. It seems he survived his journey. *He would fold his wings together.* If he gets to me... he'll be ... View More
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*Among those were that of Nega Stickbot Alpha, Darker Skies ( Polo Fastter), Leslie Flair ( Flam), and Defero.*
(Nega Stickbot Alpha) So you want us to bring down that inky idiot? *He folds his arms and smiles.* Alright.
(Defero) A chance to take out my light foe. Hmph. This'll be easy.
(GLITCH) The... View More
"Wait wait wait, i am Not going to be calling them heroes. " she would state firmly. "Sounds really weird. Can we all just call them targets?"
January 6, 2023
"I know what I am but, if you need it to sleep better fine. The targets are going to be low on funds so, we say a price just high enough to get a few items of equal value and when they get halfway, we destroy the bridge on both sides while the cage below should hold them while we deliver them."
January 6, 2023
*While Stickman and his friends were braving the Dragon Gauntlet, GLITCH looked on in evil joy.*
(GLITCH) Hehehe. If he falls in that lava, he'll be b... View More
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(BTW, this is after the villains that GLITCH summoned come to an agreement and set off to kill Stickman's friends.)
January 4, 2023
*They would board a train. Their next destination was the Badlands to meet with Princess Ember.*
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*I would take a seat with Jewel and Skystar.* So... in my timeline... Ember's more... pushy but caring. Is she like that here? *I would ask with curiosity.*
January 1, 2023
Basically this guy came from another timeline where we looked different and everyone knows him, blah blah blah... and now we're looking to get him back to his rightful timeline.
January 1, 2023
(Skye) Doesn't sound complicated to me. Why are you visiting Dragon Lord Ember?
Well... I need favors to get into the castle above Canterlot. I think it's the key to getting back to my timeline.
(Skye) Well let me join you! Being a diamond dog all day is over rated anyway.
*I smile.* Well then, that... View More
January 1, 2023
*Once there, they would notice a lot of dragons.* Hmm. Seems somethings going on.
January 1, 2023
*When Stickman got flung through the portal, he woke up at Mount Aris. Though... something was different. He got up and saw that he was a stickian no longer. He was a unicorn. His sword and gear was s... View More
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*I would get up and look around.* H-huh? Where... This is Mount Aris... But why did I land here? I was just at that figure's castle... *I shake my head. I would try to turn back into my stickian form, but failed.* What the... Why can't I turn back? *I can still, however, turn into the different spec... View More
December 31, 2022
*I lower my eye lids.* Feels like I stumbled into a weird brony fanfic. *I shake my head.* Whatever. Well who should I see first?
December 31, 2022
I would suggest seeing Queen Novo first. I'd like to tag along too. I can't help but feel like there's this... strong bond between us.
December 31, 2022
*I nod and we head off for the throne room. Along the way, we talk about what's been going on in our respective timelines.* ...So you see... this is how I ended up here.
December 31, 2022
So... let me get this straight. We're friends with a talking dog, a hippogriff princess... and a child prodigy? And we fight the forces of evil? ...And i'm a master magician? *She would look at her claws.* That... actually sounds pretty cool. The Jewel in your timeline must've sounded so sweet and c... View More
December 31, 2022
*She would shake her head.* You just have this... displacement around you. Besides... I hate King GLITCH. He writes ridiculous laws and stuff into effect. Your sword there may be the key to defeating him and bringing order... at least to this timeline.
December 31, 2022
I'm... not even gonna question how it's possible how you still know me. GLITCH sent me into this timeline because he wanted me to be forgotten... but why? He said I forgot him...
December 31, 2022
All will be revealed soon. Now c'mon, we got the other rulers' favors to get in order to get into his castle. *They would head off.*
December 31, 2022
(Gonna start a day early)
*The HQ was sailing toward a glitched-like castle. There was glitched storm around the area. This was a problem that couldn't be ignored. Allies from all over the Cartoon un... View More
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*I grip the piloting handles hard.* This guy needs to be stopped.
(Yinu) Who is he?
I... dont really know. But he's been messing up all our worlds lately. If not stopped... we could see a end of universe scenario.
December 31, 2022
*Once inside the castle, I would make my way up to the throne room. Once inside, I would get trapped.*
(???) I knew you would come in alone. *The figure got up from his throne and walked over to me. He was a macaw that was all disfigured from glitches.* Remember me?
December 31, 2022
*The figure would open a portal.*
I... I don't...
(???) Figures. You're just like the rest of them. Everyone forgot me. They cast me out because I was different. Unlike you who came from nothing to being hailed as a hero. Well now, I'm going to send you to a place where you were never remembered. Ne... View More
December 31, 2022
3rd Text Trailer for O:FB 7; Glitched Mess
(Flora) My baby kids... im so happy to see you like this.
... View More
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