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Rainbow Bright
on April 23, 2020
Hello, not sure if this matters too much but if I open the "Compose message" popup and then go back a page on my phone then the page's content displays in the popup too.
I triggered it on my profile (attached) for an example
Dimension: 720 x 2930
File Size: 330.47 Kb
1 person liked this.
Sling Tyler
I'm more shocked that you didn't reply to by Birthday RP, other than that, its a strange thing to open up.
Like April 23, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
Yea what the heck, Rainbow Bright.
Like April 23, 2020
Rainbow Bright
I'm so sorry! I've been really bad with actually being on here (basically came back 2 weeks ago). And I know it's weird, I just wanted them to be aware that this is a thing that can happen, more of a funny little thing than something that needs to be urgently fixed right now
Like April 23, 2020
Chiller Sway
Nice :ok_hand:
Like April 23, 2020
Oh wow uh...I'll take a look
Like April 23, 2020
Rainbow Bright
I wouldn't say it matters a ton to me, I just wanted you guys to be aware
Like April 23, 2020