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Dream Vezpyre
on October 17, 2020
reheating some leftover pizza rn.
Dimension: 828 x 662
File Size: 46.1 Kb
2 people like this.
Barry "The Bosshog" Bolangas
I'm perturbed at this transpiring of events.
Like October 17, 2020
Vy Thresh
Is it bad that I want to do that now?
Like October 17, 2020
Icy Creation
(At first I was going to say, ahem, 'Leftover pizza is best pizza.' ...And then I noticed the /pot/. Um. Now I don't know /what/ to say.)
Like October 17, 2020
Spirit Weaver
oh my god you guys. Really? You gonna say you don't do this? You get reheated pizza AND a fresh batch of broth! oh my GOD it's the best way to do things???
Like October 17, 2020