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A gust of wind brought a yellow flash into view and white wings unfurled in all their glory as Fickle Mizzle kept herself afloat, blocking the way for her target. A smug expression on the mare's face. Lightning blue eyes that could pierce right through most.
"Oh my gosh" she chuckled "There's gum stuck in your tail. How embarrassing for you. You really should be more careful and watch where you're going."
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Polo Fastter
Polo looked at her before removing the piece of gum from his tail and said "Okay, I didn't realize birds can think." He throws the piece of gum at her mane before smiling. "Now am going to have to ask you to move your flank or am going to throw dirt in your eye."
January 16, 2022

Polo Fastter
"I got no time to deal with this or you." Polo throws a few bits on the ground before walking passed her as he was in a hurry to get somewhere.
January 16, 2022

Fickle Mizzle
If there was one thing that pissed Fickle off it was receiving charity. She quickly dove down, grabbed the bits and hurled them at their owner. "You forgot something shithead" She shouted, hoping to get his attention in time for him to turn his head but leave him no time to react and get hit in the ... View More
January 16, 2022

Polo Fastter
Polo moves his head slightly as he see the bits fly pass his ear before turning around "Look, am not in the mood to fight but, don't think you're the first person with wings to fight me." He pulled a shotgun out of his bag as he keeps walking.
January 16, 2022
Carmen Gumshoe
Carmine looked at his tail and sighed. He quickly bounced back, and mustered a tall stance and a sitcom-smile.
“I guess I should change my name to Gum-tail!”
Four notes of the show’s opening theme plays, signaling that the rolling credits were near. Fickle was a wonderful guest star!
January 16, 2022

Lord Somber
"......Apparently there isn't enough damn sky above to keep ponies from blocking my pathing..." King Artemis spoke to himself before directing attention to his tail. "..ah damn it. The self mane care I'll have to do to get this out. Gross.."
The King would mess with his tail, seeing the damage the... View More
January 16, 2022

Fickle Mizzle
Ah crap, it seemed Fickle had been a bit too eager to try out her new prank and had noticed a bit too late just who her target was. "I, uh, yeah, I mean sorry that happened to you." The response she had had in mind initially was in a slightly different tone - but no way she could address a royal lik... View More
January 16, 2022

Lord Somber
"It's of no problem, My dear. In fact I extend thanks in informing your King of this gum issue. Left unchecked? I'd be even more furious. So much so that I'd have to track down the reason for this gum incident and 'deal' with them." He put heavy emphasis on 'Deal' as he used his magic to evaporate t... View More
January 16, 2022

"Ah shucks."
Huron swished his tail around and noted the gum on the rattlesnake end. He peeled off the gum as soon as he grabbed the end of his tail.
... View More
January 16, 2022

Fickle Mizzle
"Yeah, for sure, no problem" She told the dragon with a slightly forced smile. It seemed if she wanted to take on creatures who didn't have hairy tails she would have to adjust the set up of this prank a bit. Probably get different gum. Ah well, trial and error. She flew off, putting another piece o... View More
January 16, 2022