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Fickle Mizzle

Female. Lives in  Cloudsdale,  Equestria. 27 years old
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Just a heads up, I don't check this account that often, you're more likely to get in touch with me on Novaya.
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
No achievements
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Fickle Mizzle
nnnrgghghgh rp??? maybe???
5 people like this.
Phoenix Wind
Sure sure
Like June 9, 2022
Arena Avalon
Why not?
Like June 9, 2022
Stardusk Strider
I could
Like June 9, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
I wanna do something angsty with my new bakery boy btw! If that's something you'd be interested in and you think your character could be suitable for (or if you're just curious what that means) pls give this comment a :thumbsup:
Like June 9, 2022 Edited
Fickle Mizzle
"... Wait, you're not joking?" Fickle looked surprised as she held up a wing to her mouth, overplaying it for the drama. However she soon turned her expression into a partially hidden smirk as she chu... View More
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Stardusk Strider
Stardusk blinked as he felt the smug aura come off of her. He only looked dumbfounded because he didn't even know what the invite was for, or what the event even is. "Uhhh....congrat....ulations...."
Like February 23, 2022
Light Show
"Friends?" He had a tone of incredulity around that word. "Everyone here is awful except you, mate! I even recognize a few slave traders around this party, aye?" He takes a sip of the drink in his magic, tilting it towards her. "By the way, don't get one of these. Think it's spiked with poison of so... View More
Like February 23, 2022
She was trying so hard to impress the stallion with her smug that he only retaliated with a look of absolute indifference. "It wasn't worthy of my attention anyway, good luck with your loser party anyway." he said with a casual salute with his right wing.
Like February 23, 2022
Carmen Gumshoe
Carmine blinked. His brows furrowed while he tried to understand Fickle's poorly hidden glee. Was it not actually a mistake? "Uh... why do I always feel like I'm back in high school when I'm around you?"
Like February 23, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
pretty gal
17 people like this.
Like February 21, 2022
You made her look so perfect~<3 I cant get over just how pretty this is! Thank you so much ;.;
Like February 22, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
Thank you for doing the trade ❤️
Like February 22, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
17 people like this.
This is the content I subscribe for
Like February 4, 2022
"What the hell you doing up there? Get down from there." or something like that.
Like February 4, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
"It's a great view and you're just jealous that you can't get up here so-" she very maturely poked out her tongue at him and blew raspberries.
Like February 4, 2022
"Get down. It's my turn to sit on the cake."
Like February 4, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
"Uh... Find your own cake to sit on??" Fickle sounded as offended as always. "This one clearly has my name on it, can't you read the sign?"
Like February 4, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
"If I have to listen to one more idiot mansplain how flying works to me I might just finally snap and murder them then and there!" Fickle... As fickle and moody as ever. She didn't sound like she was... View More
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Trip Wire
Trip sighs in complete understanding, although he also appeared concerned by Fickle’s outburst. “If you continue to frown like that, you’ll grow wrinkles.” He lightheartedly teases. Then he hums and turns his attention to his own, spawning a small pack of sour gummies from his pocket. “C’mon Fickl... View More
Like January 31, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
Fickle sighed. "Yeah... You know what, you're absolutely right." She chuckled and lighthearted gave his shoulder a nudge. "Maybe I should get you to do the dirty work for me haha, could you imagine?" It was entirely said in jest but......... 👀
Like February 1, 2022
Trip Wire
Trip blinks, tilting his head for a second as he assessed the situation. Fickle was joking, so he starts laughing too, “Hahahah! Yeah… That’d be crazy…!” “…Gummy?” he offers. “…You know, he was probably trying to impress you.”
Like February 1, 2022
Light Show
"Yeah! Murder! Kill them, I'll even make sure you aren't caught!" He pauses, "Not really because I like you, I just haven't seen a pony get killed deservedly of late. All innocent families and children, can't take enjoyment without being a psychopath... Damn morals."
Like January 31, 2022
Polo Fastter
"Should I just say the intro to the bee movie?" Polo said
Like January 31, 2022 Edited
Amy Callihan
"D-do you not... Know how to fly?" He would grit his teeth and start sweating. "I promise... It's not funny. I just..." He would start running.
Like February 1, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
"Dead." She looked at him sternly. "That's what you are. Not funny...... dead."
Like February 1, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
Excited for tomorrow :)
4 people like this.
Chiller Sway
... I definitely did not forget
Like January 31, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
Smh how could you
Like January 31, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
13 people like this.
Fickle Mizzle
Thanks for all the likes - it makes the artist (me) very happy 🥰 If anyone is interested in RP with me and have Fickle bully your OC send me a DM and we'll have a chat about it 😎 (It'll be slice of life-y, very casual)
Like January 30, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
Why are the emojis messed up :C
Like January 30, 2022
Stardusk Strider
Stardusk was uncertain how to find out where Fickle lived, so he simply decided to place a gift in where he thinks she usually flies. He had a nice gift box that he put on the ground in the road, hopi... View More
1 person liked this.
Fickle Mizzle
"So tell me, what's the coolest thing about you? Like, what's your go-to thing when you really wanna flex?" #rp
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Phoenix Wind
"I guess I'd literally flex.... that or I'm a good dad"
Like January 18, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
"A pretty mediocre answer... but not the worst I've gotten" Fickle admitted with a shrug.
Like January 18, 2022
The Ghostling would simply pick up a small rock, and threw it to the air before IT exploded Similar to a Firework!... Well Technically a Rockwork. "That and I got Ghost abilites."
Like January 18, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
"I don't know what 'ghost abilities' entails and I don't think I want to either." Fickle looked at him with much scepticism. "Cool trick with that rock though."
Like January 18, 2022
"You know... What You mostly see Ghost use and such, As you can see from my floating ?" Said the Ghostling since he was currently Floating... And also pulled a Tray of cookies out of thin air.
Like January 18, 2022
The Outsider
The husk holds still for a moment, and the vines that tangle its draping mane suddenly begin to blossom. Passionfruit flowers sprout and grow to their full size in the spam of seconds, but they're bound to whither and turn into ashes just as quickly as they came into being. "A weird flex.." It mumbl... View More
Like January 18, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
For once Fickle was at a loss for words and just kinda... watched it happen.
Like January 18, 2022
The shire looked over her with a cock of his eyebrow, letting out an annoyed sigh as he unzipped his bomber jacket and pulled it to one side, showing off his augmented torso with his heart visible in a glass container behind a pair of dark metal ribs and black synthetic lungs. "There you go, drink ... View More
Like January 24, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
SWOOSH! A gust of wind brought a yellow flash into view and white wings unfurled in all their glory as Fickle Mizzle kept herself afloat, blocking the way for her target. A smug expression on the mar... View More
15 people like this.
Polo Fastter
Polo looked at her before removing the piece of gum from his tail and said "Okay, I didn't realize birds can think." He throws the piece of gum at her mane before smiling. "Now am going to have to ask you to move your flank or am going to throw dirt in your eye."
Like January 16, 2022
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Polo Fastter
"I got no time to deal with this or you." Polo throws a few bits on the ground before walking passed her as he was in a hurry to get somewhere.
Like January 16, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
If there was one thing that pissed Fickle off it was receiving charity. She quickly dove down, grabbed the bits and hurled them at their owner. "You forgot something shithead" She shouted, hoping to get his attention in time for him to turn his head but leave him no time to react and get hit in the ... View More
Like January 16, 2022
Polo Fastter
Polo moves his head slightly as he see the bits fly pass his ear before turning around "Look, am not in the mood to fight but, don't think you're the first person with wings to fight me." He pulled a shotgun out of his bag as he keeps walking.
Like January 16, 2022
Carmen Gumshoe
Carmine looked at his tail and sighed. He quickly bounced back, and mustered a tall stance and a sitcom-smile. “I guess I should change my name to Gum-tail!” Four notes of the show’s opening theme plays, signaling that the rolling credits were near. Fickle was a wonderful guest star!
Like January 16, 2022
Lord Somber
"......Apparently there isn't enough damn sky above to keep ponies from blocking my pathing..." King Artemis spoke to himself before directing attention to his tail. "..ah damn it. The self mane care I'll have to do to get this out. Gross.." The King would mess with his tail, seeing the damage the... View More
Like January 16, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
Ah crap, it seemed Fickle had been a bit too eager to try out her new prank and had noticed a bit too late just who her target was. "I, uh, yeah, I mean sorry that happened to you." The response she had had in mind initially was in a slightly different tone - but no way she could address a royal lik... View More
Like January 16, 2022
Lord Somber
"It's of no problem, My dear. In fact I extend thanks in informing your King of this gum issue. Left unchecked? I'd be even more furious. So much so that I'd have to track down the reason for this gum incident and 'deal' with them." He put heavy emphasis on 'Deal' as he used his magic to evaporate t... View More
Like January 16, 2022
"Ah shucks." Huron swished his tail around and noted the gum on the rattlesnake end. He peeled off the gum as soon as he grabbed the end of his tail. ... View More
Like January 16, 2022
Fickle Mizzle
"Yeah, for sure, no problem" She told the dragon with a slightly forced smile. It seemed if she wanted to take on creatures who didn't have hairy tails she would have to adjust the set up of this prank a bit. Probably get different gum. Ah well, trial and error. She flew off, putting another piece o... View More
Like January 16, 2022
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