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on March 22, 2023
Looking for a babysitter for this…rebel. Warning she enjoys loud music, sharp objects and pineapple pizza. Payment will be in free coupons for breadsticks.
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 353.09 Kb
5 people like this.
Silverspark: "Yay another filly to play with I hope we meet "
Like March 23, 2023
"...Is that why there's a Knife in my back right now ?"
Like March 23, 2023
Star Hope
"I'd be glad to watch over her for you! I always enjoy watching over little fillies and colts!" Star said enthusiastically
Like March 23, 2023
Hmmmm... *looks back at my knife collection and albums of metal and rock music*
Like March 23, 2023