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Asuka Yakushi
on December 30, 2023
//More posts to come later today, but for now, immersion. #rp
Dimension: 934 x 1206
File Size: 678.6 Kb
7 people like this.
Rosa Cavalier
Rosa, reading over the poster, "I don't know zis mare, but I will deztroy anyone who touchez her. Juzt look at thoze probably innozcent eyez... I will find her..." >Camera pan to show a group of ponies brandishing weapons behind her. "Later."... View More
Like December 30, 2023
"Huh? Wasn't this the mare from attack on mango...?"
Like December 30, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait a sec....*Took his glasses off and cleaned them. Putting them back on, he squinted.* Ah, I didn't know she was missing. Well, better go find her.
Like December 30, 2023
// Yay for Immersion! ^w^ "...I have no clue where This location is."
Like December 30, 2023