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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*You, the Traveler, was now in Gazlitt. The new head of the Griffon Empire! A steampunk heaven for all visitors! Well, you had a job now. You were hired by the Mayor of Gazlitt, Mayor Copper Price. Stories of your journey through the Rainbow Apocalypse had reached the ears of this mighty powerful griffon. He had hired to be a guard for the most important weekend of his life. His re-election at the voting hall.*
*You were now, in the mayor office with him.* So, any questions at all? Free feel to ask me anything. #rp
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Sprouting Bulb
"Have to say, never expected to be hired as a guard." Sprout chuckled. "What made you pick me?"
Like August 14, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
"Saw too many die durin the invasion. It's...well, it left me not very fond of the princesses."
Like 20 hours ago
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
Because of their power? Because they could have prevented the bloodshed?
Like 22 minutes ago
Sprouting Bulb
"Because they celebrated the deaths of our young. Many of us, myself included, were child soldiers."
Like 14 minutes ago
"You aren't gonna steal my stuff are you ?" She asked of them, having came from a Previous encounter with a Griffon but Hey, a Job is a Job, Might as well take it rather ignoring it.
Like August 15, 2024
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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*They arrived at the town's oldest and biggest bank. Strangely named, 3rd National Bank.*
Like September 2, 2024
"...Why do I feel like there's no first or second National Bank."
Like September 2, 2024
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
There was, they just died out rather quickly. There was many indicences with both of them,
Like September 3, 2024
Polo Fastter
"You know how busy I am right? The last mayor I delt with happen to jump into several peoples arms before dying."" Sivanro drinks water while looking bored at the griffon.
Like August 17, 2024
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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*Once in the van, the birds would strike against the glass. The Roc even freed itself.*
Like 20 hours ago
Polo Fastter
"Well, I got an idea on who summoned the birds."
Like 18 hours ago