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Wake up Traveler! You and Me, we have a score to settle with some of the High Bosses of this crap hole of a town.
*In front of you, was Proto Rickers-6, a pony who had massive cyber tech grafted onto him after his "First" Death. This stallion was a legend when it came to pulling off nearly impossible missions. Yet, he was now in front you, with a broken cyber cuff link that was on your left arm and his right arm. It broken, so it was not a straight cause of concern. The both of you were sitting in a landfill, as it was lightly raining ahead. There a few noticeable weapons and broken gear below you. It appears that somepony had tried to dump your body here. Yet who? *
*As you tried to recall the very events that you lead you here, you would feel a great shock of pain on your head and heart. Touching your noggin, you would feel a silver band on your ears. As for you heart, you could feel that it was beating differently. As if it was magically being pushed to beat your blood backwards. It wouldn't kill you directly. You would just have to accept that your veins was pumping fresh blood and your arteries was pumping your cold blood. It still felt off. It would appear the silver bands, are preventing you from accessing your own short term memory, and large sums of your long term memories.*
I know I look strange, what about you? You got yourself attacked by the Dexi Doms. they really hate your guts. Now, again, want to get payback for trapping us like this? I'm in the mood to knock some skulls around! #rp
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"Wha... I... Huh ? " She slurred, Trying to pull the silver band off but it was to no avail, She stared at her body feeling a intense pain in her head, "I...yes ?" She said, trying to just remember all she could remember.
September 7, 2024

Cotton just stood next to them during this.
September 18, 2024

Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apoc...
Yo, you damn fat...what? *He was silent for a long time.* Well, got our ride on the way. As well a weaponsmith. So good on me.
September 18, 2024

"Okay ? " She said, Not quite knowing what a Weaponsmith even was.
September 21, 2024

Polo Fastter
"Not quite sure who Iam really, in fact who are you again?"
Polo ask for once he simple was rather confused about everything going on.
September 7, 2024

Polo Fastter
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
September 20, 2024

Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apoc...
*She would blink.* What, no. I don't know you.
September 20, 2024

Polo Fastter
"Okay um, not sure how I got stuck with him."
September 20, 2024

"...blood is not supposed to flow like this," was Spins' first response. She felt the band around her head. Was this what was messing with her mind? Frantically, she checked her inventory, her gut telling her she had some important items and a faithful companion with her. "...let's see...Spinner... View More
September 8, 2024

Spins waved to Goldilocks. "Pleasure to meet you. Also my name's Spinneret. He's lucky I don't have a workin weapon, or I'd be able to correct him more efficiently."
September 20, 2024

Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apoc...
Wait what? Correct me?
*Goldi would see the terrible weapons on the ground.* Who...done this. To these babies? *She would grab the weapons in her arms.* I'm going to fix these.
September 20, 2024

"Please do, also can I watch?"
September 20, 2024