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Many of you asked my opinions on non-pony races. Witness and behold. Full thoughts under the cut.Understand that inherently, all of these races are beneath pony-kind. Yes, even you, avid Earth Pony reader. Stand tall that you are none of these miserable abominations and rejects of nature. That being said, if I was locked in a room and had no choice, I do have my tastes.It should be obvious that when it comes to a certain collection of creatures, I only admire the opposites of their qualities; whether they are incredibly obedient, or if they are incredibly independent. Truly, none match better than the sharpened wit of the Abyssian. No sucker to friendship, no fool to needless joys. Pain blunted them, sharpened them, and proceeds to hone them to fine little deviants serving the top dollar. The Badlands are the lowest of the low; but the lessons learned there are devious if not innovative genius. Dragons rule well with an iron fist and a solid, vicious hierarchy, conceived and surrounded by flame. They make great peons. Their fire is... second only to mine.The Winged Snow Leopard is few and far in between. One still survives on the outskirts of my world after the great burning. She makes... interesting conversation when she visits. But the cow. Ah, the humble cow. Obedient, subservient, and completely occupied on a mental level. Never has there been a more perfect underling. How I wish my life was simpler, and my opponents mere cows. Perhaps, I could have been a rancher in another life. How tragic.I nearly did not include Thracians due to being a precursor entity, but, I threw them in anyway as a note on what pony society could have been. What it should have rightfully been for the Alicorns. They don't score any higher as they exist as a deviant evolution of ourselves. Somewhat like a great grand-uncle suddenly appearing and divorcing from your family... mmmm. It's quite strange all around.The myth of Scorpan always intrigued me, not simply because of his death, but the use I would have utilizing the Gargoyle race. The others have quite nice realms that I've never had the chance to visit. The seaponies remain underwater after their excursions, and the Saddle Arabians are quite far, though I'm due for a visit sometime. Ornithians are quite the lively lot when they weren't posing risks to my plans. The Yaks and Sirens have a stoicism about them that I respect. The Storm Creatures would make a perfect army at my command, though first with some adjustments to their uniform.The rest in C bore me. Some highlights: The Changelings lived under the heel of society for millennia and lost their Queen in exchange for an insufferable fool who is fortunately no longer with me. The Troggles were an incredibly frightening army before their swift death eons ago, only now roaming as ghosts... I haven't check on Tirek for a while, but he may be the last of the Centaurs here. The Buffalo are a joke, unable to use genuine force to get what they want. And the Abadas... annoying little desert freaks.D tier is where the losers truly rot. Humanity lies in there: Overgrown, overevolved hairless apes not worth the time of day. Twice as tall with brains just as empty. The Kirin, strange offshoots of us, had so much potential and instead exist in nature, their powers wasted. Vampires, or I suppose Bat Ponies, aren't truly real. Merely an affliction of magic, or perhaps if they were real, I've never met a natural one. The Griffons are worthless, lazy bums clutching old victories, the Diamond Dogs sad little worms coveting their rocks. The Draconequus went extinct in our world here, or perhaps he simply left. Do not even have me begin on The Ladybugs.The rest aren't worthy of mention.
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Glitterbomb Crybaby
Ohmygosh, cool tierlist!! Here, I made a little adjustment for you!

4 hours ago

Bright Brave
This nequam called me out.
4 hours ago

Bright Brave
And I always stand tall. I'm as tall as Luna.
4 hours ago

Bright Brave
Did you forget Grogar? Tirek, Scorpan, and Discord, have been theorized to be different species of chimera.
There is always evidence to suggest some of these creatures, are trans dimensional entities.
4 hours ago

Dr. Normodd
"Not on the very bottom! How charitable of you, Ms. Opaline. Are you flirting?" He hummed.
40 minutes ago

"You forgot about Ghostling. And oh Rabbits."
31 minutes ago