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Commander Wyatt Ryder
June 8, 2019
651 views 16 plays
Fuck it, everyone else is doing it. So why not?
What was Wyatt's Animal Codename?
What is Wyatt's actual Army rank?
What does Wyatt chant during a thunderstorm?
In what event did Wyatt win a gold medal during the Crystal Empire's Equestria Games?
For which Team?
How tall is Wyatt?
Which of these nicknames did Wyatt give himself?
How many times has Wyatt 'died'?
How does Wyatt refer to those he deems 'pure of heart'?
What is Wyatt's main weaknesses when it comes to mares?
1 person liked this.
Lord Somber
Passing grade. The best I am
Like June 8, 2019
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
Actually you're in the top 3! Well done!
Like June 8, 2019
Lord Somber
Of course I'm top 3. I know my shit when it comes to friends! Unless of course..when I don't know.
Like June 8, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
I'm very glad you do know! *shakes Arty's admin's hand and gives him his diploma*
Like June 8, 2019
((Oof I meant to do this on Maishi's profile, OH WELL)) *Maishi smiles as she got most of it right!*
Like June 9, 2019
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Thanks! And I only got how tall and how many times he died wrong!
Like June 9, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
The how many times he died was difficult, so that one is fine. How tall he was I've mentioned before, but it does seem quite tall, eh? :P
Like June 9, 2019
Yeah, and I suck at remembering important details like that. I normally remember things that are seen as unimportanr
Like June 9, 2019
Hey, at least I was right on the ones that have come to light in our rps. Lol. Guess Jule still has a lot to learn with Wyatt.
Like June 9, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Lol true. It'll be fun learning about both characters though!
Like June 9, 2019
Marcus Amai
Still winning? Of course
Like June 9, 2019
Marcus Amai
Wow by 20 percent too!!!
Like June 9, 2019