1/2 Dragon, 1/4 Crystal Pony, 1/4 [REDACTED]
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About Me
Hey there, Jule's creator here! Y'all can call me Aisu! I'm a pretty laid-back chick with a wide variety of interests and hobbies and all that. I'm in my mid-twenties with a job that kinda consumes half my day (so if I don't reply to you right away, I'm sorry and that's why).. I'm also open-minded and always available to come to if you need a shoulder to cry on a body to lean against. Looking forward to meeting you all~!
Roleplay Universe
Self-made AU/Flexible
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Nitroxus Soulspins Jule
*Nitroxus floated down to the ground from the air with the help of an umbrella. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus climbed out of a green pipe that was in the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a magical carpet and flew to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus climbed down a stone column and landed right next to the creature. He smiled to them. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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July 4, 2020
It's been a few months now since Jule had brought the vacant plot of land just outside of Canterlot. He's been working hard and long hours trying to make the perfect house for Lana, their foal and himself. He had hoped to have the house finished before the foal arrived, but he barely had the bones of the house up by now. But between getting the permits, blueprints for the house approved, finding the right contractors for the more technical stuff, inspections and replenishing funds to buy supplies; things were going at a crawl. That's how it felt to Jule, anyways.
Another thing that didn't help was that sometimes, he had "visitors." Harassers that tried to persuade Jule to give up on building and living here. Sometimes, they stole his tools, misplace supplies, or just verbally harass him and even the contractors from time to time. Jule hadn't figured out their motive on why they were doing this yet; they looked like thugs and had no reason for even being on his property. Plus, he didnt even have neighbors, per say. The surrounding properties simply had vacation homes that were used once or twice a year by some upperclass ponies. Something told Jule they were hired for this, but couldn't figure out for the life of him on who he upset enough to make them do this.
Either way, Jule just kept running them off the property. Nothing ever got physical, mostly just some pushes and shoves from time to time if that. But today? The runt of the group had brought a knife and pulled it out on Jule. Maybe he felt it was an equalizer for him, against the dragon hybrid. Even the other thugs took a step back when the knife was pulled out.
Jule just stared at the knife, looked to the harasser, and then scoffed. Rookie move, revealing your weapon before a fight broke out. This was nothing new he faced, since his time on the streets. Jule gave the harasser a warning, a chance to leave now before he used that knife against him. The harasser thought for a moment, looking down at his knife before looking up at Jule. Then he lunged.
That night, Jule slept hard. The little harasser put up one hell of a fight, but Jule won in the end. He had a few minor cuts, with a deep one on his right shoulder, but that was nothing compared to the bruises and broken bones the harasser ended up with before Jule dumped him off at a hospital. Hopefully, that'll send a message to however was sending the harassers that he's not going anywhere any time soon.
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A few hours had passed since Jule told and showed about the property he planned on buying and building on to bring them closer together. They had spent the time since then window shopping various thi... View More
It's been a few months since Jule and last spent a good bit of quality time together. He's visited for a few hours, from time to time, when he was in the area, but he's been sending her lots of lette... View More
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Gamer, Artist, Roleplayer
1/2 Dragon, 1/4 Crystal Pony, 1/4 [REDACTED]