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Aurora Cassiopeia
October 16, 2019
815 views 19 plays
This is just a silly quiz to see if Aurora could be shipped with somepone. She's bisexual, so anyone can try the quiz! UwU
The answers don't really matter as this is just a way to cheat the poll sys... View More
Likes exploration of exciting places?
Likes Technology and would go in depth if brought up?
Coffee or Tea?
Is your pone able to make and take jokes?
Is your pone loyal?
Is your pone friendly?
What is your pone's species?
Would your pone even be interested in Aurora?
1 person liked this.
Captain Sky N Nova
I sense spacehorse
Like October 16, 2019
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Captain Sky N Nova
38% oof
Like October 16, 2019
Aurora Cassiopeia
Ha. I like the loyalty answer. The results of the quiz don't really matter, by the way. :P
Like October 16, 2019
Captain Sky N Nova
XD Sky legit can't be trusted to stick to one mare...mostly because prolonged exposure to Sky is dangerous to ones physical and mental health...among other reasons.
Like October 16, 2019
Silver Shield
I got 13/13, that's how it works right?
Like October 16, 2019
Thunder Riff
Welp I guess music hors is a bat now
Like October 16, 2019
Chiller Sway
XD Chiller Sway is married!
Like October 16, 2019
Aurora Cassiopeia
Aurora has met pones that are unbelievably loyal to their others but still chose to be interested! UwU Chiller Sway is kewl ponyo tho, so ish okie.
Like October 16, 2019
Chiller Sway
Like October 16, 2019